I Badri Mustaqim, people used to call me Badri .__ I was born in the countryside, precisely Sendang new village districts Sendangagung Central Lampung .__ I was born in a simple family children to 5 of 6 siblings. father Farmer and mother a teacher .__ I finished primary school in my village, and junior boarding school in the district Pringsewu, my high school in MAN 1 Bandar Lampung provincial capital of Lampung .__ because hampered by the cost and others I have not had time to finish a bachelor .__ now I already berkeluaga with a child and a wife .__ I"ve started a business in the fishery, but still on a small scale because the limitations modal.karna these reasons, I am planning to apply for a loan through Zidisha, because in my opinion the loan through Zidisha flexible .__ I will return this loan through profits from the business that I run.
Carp hatchery operations .__ previous loans mostly I use that remedy rented paddy pond near the river, now because of the rainy season I could use another pool has rice paddies my parents (without rent) that obstacle is the need to feed the seed that of the forms of fry (silk worms / tubifex) to a size 2 jarian need pakah do a bit expensive .__ because these reasons, I am planning to apply for a loan through Zidisha, because in my opinion the loan through Zidisha flexible .__ InsyaAlloh I can sell the seeds at least 1 month, sometimes 2 times .__ Sometimes can be .__ Depending on stock and market needs .__ I will try to remedy restore perminggunya .__ If the sale occurs only 1x in 1 month, I"ll break it down for weekly installments.
Because the dry season is not finished, carp breeders have not been able to lay eggs, because an unfilled air._Jadi have to buy eggs carp from tengkulak._ And of course the silk worms to feed the seeds of new-hatched, purchase tarps pools, and artificial feed.
Carp-hatchery operations
I Badri Mustaqim, people used to call me Badri .__ I was born in the countryside, precisely Sendang new village districts Sendangagung Central Lampung .__ I was born in a simple family children to 5 of 6 siblings. father Farmer and mother a teacher .__ I finished primary school in my village, and junior boarding school in the district Pringsewu, my high school in MAN 1 Bandar Lampung provincial capital of Lampung .__ because hampered by the cost and others I have not had time to finish a bachelor .__ now I already berkeluaga with a child and a wife .__ I"ve started a business in the fishery, but still on a small scale because the limitations modal.karna these reasons, I am planning to apply for a loan through Zidisha, because in my opinion the loan through Zidisha flexible .__ I will return this loan through profits from the business that I run.
Carp hatchery operations .__ previous loans mostly I use that remedy rented paddy pond near the river, now because of the rainy season I could use another pool has rice paddies my parents (without rent) that obstacle is the need to feed the seed that of the forms of fry (silk worms / tubifex) to a size 2 jarian need pakah do a bit expensive .__ because these reasons, I am planning to apply for a loan through Zidisha, because in my opinion the loan through Zidisha flexible .__ InsyaAlloh I can sell the seeds at least 1 month, sometimes 2 times .__ Sometimes can be .__ Depending on stock and market needs .__ I will try to remedy restore perminggunya .__ If the sale occurs only 1x in 1 month, I"ll break it down for weekly installments.
Because the dry season is not finished, carp breeders have not been able to lay eggs, because an unfilled air._Jadi have to buy eggs carp from tengkulak._ And of course the silk worms to feed the seeds of new-hatched, purchase tarps pools, and artificial feed.