Am Abdulai Adams, the first son of mr. and mrs. Abdulai Adams an Economic and enterprenurship Development Studies graduated of the Unversity Development Studies WA campus. I am business conscious being and always exploring in the world ofusiness even during leasure period bto expand and increase in the esterblishment in which am engaged in. I am located at just half miles from the main Berekum station and closer to Chris fm radio station at Kutre station. My house is I .90.
It is a phamarceutical store which i first esterblished in a very small mobile form when i was just 15 years of age. It had now developed to a larger scale of which my whole family sustain from. It had given employment to three additional family members of mine. It earns me within the range of 1,000 - 1,800 USD a month. I am gratly in such of an opportunity that can help improve and widen my business horizon. Thanks by the way of some of the financial instutions in my Country Ghana, but is not sufficient to my expectation. With every thing i have read about ZIDISHA, I hope am in the right financial instutional family that will ladder me to my expectation.
I really thank my dear lenders for granted me the loan to buy more drugs to my store so as to protect the life of my community. Intact with the new drugs bought to my store, such as letacam,profinac,folokin,antarcin,etc it has really help a lot and my customers really protronize on these drugs.So now to God be the glory now the health condition of my community is in higher standard. But since there is norecreational facilities and also majority are illiterate there is high birth rate and teenage pregnancy.And the puberty are being drop out from school due to teenage pregnance.So now I have educate the community about this high rate of birth and it effect on the community.Therefore I have decided to buy family planning products such as condom, family planning drugs etc so that these high rate of will be minimize. I am therefore appealing to my dear lenders to grant me the next loan so as to achieve my aim to give my community happy life. And I promised to pay back. Thank you
More medicines & family-planning products
Am Abdulai Adams, the first son of mr. and mrs. Abdulai Adams an Economic and enterprenurship Development Studies graduated of the Unversity Development Studies WA campus. I am business conscious being and always exploring in the world ofusiness even during leasure period bto expand and increase in the esterblishment in which am engaged in. I am located at just half miles from the main Berekum station and closer to Chris fm radio station at Kutre station. My house is I .90.
It is a phamarceutical store which i first esterblished in a very small mobile form when i was just 15 years of age. It had now developed to a larger scale of which my whole family sustain from. It had given employment to three additional family members of mine. It earns me within the range of 1,000 - 1,800 USD a month. I am gratly in such of an opportunity that can help improve and widen my business horizon. Thanks by the way of some of the financial instutions in my Country Ghana, but is not sufficient to my expectation. With every thing i have read about ZIDISHA, I hope am in the right financial instutional family that will ladder me to my expectation.
I really thank my dear lenders for granted me the loan to buy more drugs to my store so as to protect the life of my community. Intact with the new drugs bought to my store, such as letacam,profinac,folokin,antarcin,etc it has really help a lot and my customers really protronize on these drugs.So now to God be the glory now the health condition of my community is in higher standard. But since there is norecreational facilities and also majority are illiterate there is high birth rate and teenage pregnancy.And the puberty are being drop out from school due to teenage pregnance.So now I have educate the community about this high rate of birth and it effect on the community.Therefore I have decided to buy family planning products such as condom, family planning drugs etc so that these high rate of will be minimize. I am therefore appealing to my dear lenders to grant me the next loan so as to achieve my aim to give my community happy life. And I promised to pay back. Thank you