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Food Retail

Stock of staple foods for my shop

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurBenardLocationKericho, Kenya
Project status
5%paid forward

My name is Benard Kirui,and also I have a nickname as (Musta) this name I was given by the community and my customers.The name (Musta) in our native language means someone who is responsible and ready to help.I acquire the nick name in my business, I had a business shop in a nearby school so I used to help vulnerable children books,pens,school uniforms and even paying their PTA teachers fees so the parents and community at large were happy and gave me the. I am the father of five children, three boys and two girls.Two children are in college, two are in secondary school and one in primary.Also I am a Christian where I was chosen to be a leader for men elders since I have experience in giving out advice. My wife is called Jane,she is also a Christian and again a choir leader,she was given to be a choir leader because she is a musician. I have been a hardworking person on which I want to make sure that I get prosperity to meet the required needs in my family and to help orphans and vulnerable children meets in our community meets their needs. Again last year I won a trophy or I was given a rewards because I succeeded in organising a successful fundraiser for orphan and vulnerable families.I have bachelor degree in business management. After I completed my university I was able to secure a job which assisted me to collect money till I was able open my business and manage it.I am beeing assisted with my wife in my business.So since I have skills in ICT,I sometimes visit my nearby school cybercafe to assist school in enhancing cyber security.Thank you.


Bena traders for retails and wholesales.


My plan is to run a wholesales an retails business that will sells home supplies, foodstuffs and households goods for all customers.My manage team consists of my wife and I. My wife has experience and skills to expertise to successfully grow this business. In order to get this business off the ground, I use all means to make sure that I bring all the targeted customers for the purpose of growing my business. My goal is to reach and achieve high target of selling of goods.


I have noticed that my project sows confusion because many goods I sold on credit.For instance,last week I was not able to buy many goods as usual because of delays of debts.And it is clear that I need to use more tactics and creative solutions.


To address this problem,I propose that I should minimise selling goods on credit and be user friendly that aligns with customers change needs and workload.I believe the right decision will eliminates taking risk of business and make cut out stress.


Pricing project is essential to a successful business. I must explore my pricing strategy and understand what I will charge for goods or services. I usually proposes a price that's attractive to prospective customers but is appropriate for my bottom line.

I will use the loan to buy home supplies.I will buy 50kg of sugar,25kg of rice,240kg of maize flour,10kg of cooking fat,2500kg of tea leaves,1000kg of salts,20litres of salad,juices, glucose and 240kg of unga chapati and mandazi.I usually buy the goods that have high demand in large quantity so that I can earn more profits immediately to grow my business and gain more in future.