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To add two computers and printer to my cybercafe

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurHarbardLocationKisii, Kenya
Project status
8%paid forward

Before I start to narrate my story first and fore most my sincere thanks goes to Zidisha lenders and to Zidisha as a whole fraternity for their great support for a warding me the first of USD 50. Actually for this loan I managed to open a cyber café of 4 computers.

Am a 22 years old yet married recently due to a great improvement of my business profits when I added my some computers from a zidisha loan. My wife is now pregnant which I hope will equipe me with a lot of responsibility. I come from polygamous family, my biological mother being a second wife. From the stories I have, my father married my mother because his first wife was not bearing children which forced my father to go for the second wife. Later on the first wife started bearing children and my father neglected us. Coming from the family of five it forced our mother to struggle to venture into business mostly selling shoes and clothes. She managed to educate us up to Form four levels except our sister who dropped in form three because of financial problems. After my form four I joined Gusii institute, because I did not manage to go for my degree course. I managed to accomplish my certificate in Information Technology in the year 2012. From there I did not get a job so I decide to venture into business of being a technician of programming computers. Being in that time that in Kisii Town Kenya I had many people venturing in cyber cafe business, typesetting and printing, I was so happy that I used to format their computers, installation of internet and also advising them where applicable and I used to get a good token from my customers. From the little amout I got from these customers I managed to save as little as possible and I came up with M-PESa which I used to operate on my own. Three months ago I applied for a zidisha loan and I used it to open a cybercafé of which I trained from my college HARBARD SAYS ‘’we have come from far but the go is not yet known, but with ZIDISHA WE COMFORT OUR SELF WITH HOPES’’

Thanks a lot..

For the last two months I have been receiving loans from Zidisha and up to some extent I am operating two businesses; A MPESA and a cyber café. My wife operates the MPESA and I operate the cyber café. At first I had the MPESAand when Zidisha offered me the first loan I added the stock to my MPESA and I used my savings to open a cyber café. I also added skype equipment to my cyber café which increased the flow of customers very great. Now I have decided to add some computers and even now buy a printer with a very high speed in printing to cater for the needs of my customers who have mass printing and most of my customers are university students who are working on research hence they do a lot of mass printing. I even make posters which need a printer of press printing. Now my expenses are just not high to hinder me not to repay my loans as illustrated below:

- Food: USD 89.5714 per month

- Clothing USD 50.3839 per month

- Since we stay in town we pay rent of USD 55.9821 per month

Note the following: we have agreed with my wife to cut our monthly expenses as follows so as to be eligible to pay zidisha loan if we qualify to be given:

a) On food: USD 6.71786

b) On clothes: USD 30.2304

c) Rent: USD 27.9911

This will add up to USD 64.93936 per month to pay our Zidisha loans.

Thanks Zidisha team

Once I get this loan I will add 2 computers to my cyber café, buy a modern printer. I will have to compete with my competitors in Kisii town by making my cyber cafe in a different manner. Since I am a technician I am very much aware of what other cyber cafe hold in Kisii town. For instance many cyber cafe do not have a modern way of having secrecy while browsing, instead when you are browsing there computers are exposed, which makes other clients to see what you are working on, another area that I will make sure to defeat my colleagues is the area of coming up with modern computers with a high speed which will save my customers needs, so far I will make sure to come up with a Skype and I will promote my customers with a waiver which most of business cyber cafe in town do not have, hence I need a high speed printer. I hope this will enable me to have many customers so that I will be eligible to pay my loans to Zidisha team. And for this loan if I manage it then I will save my profits so that in future I will come up with a a class of computer in Kisii town to escape away illiteracy in Kenya.