Before I narrate my story let me pass my sincere thanks to the Zidisha team and the entire Zidisha Lenders for the first loan they awarded me since it improved my business greatly. Indeed I used the loan to buy two second hand computers which were in a good working condition I added on the three I had to make a total of five computers in my small cyber café and this made customers to flow in large numbers since my Internet Service Provider is faster as compared to the others. My story is not a long one since
I am a male adult aged 34 years with a wife and one child. Am the first born in a family of four children three boys and one girl a position that equips me with a lot of responsibilities. I come from Manga Isecha near Bobaracho market within Kisii County. I went through my education with only one parent. One may ask where was my father?. My story is a sad one. While I was 5 years old my father neglected our family and left my mum a lone. But my mum was a hard working lady with a lot of motivation from family and friends. Actually she managed to educate us up to form four levels. After my form four I joined one of the most well established colleges in Kisii town by then known as ST. ANN’S COLLEGE. Excellently I passed with a credit in the year 2003. Being obviously in Kenya there are no ready jobs after college. I employed my self as a qualified computer technician which involved the following: formatting of computers, programming computers and giving sort of consultation on the set up of internet and computer problem diagnosis, moreover advising them on a strategic position of a business. I managed to marry my beautiful wife in the year 2010 and we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl in 2011. Since my wife was not employed I set her up with a small business of shop ( Kiosk) selling of vegetables and fruits. The business flourished so greatly since in town we had ready market. Before Zidisha loan we were making a profit of Kshs 20,000, and when we were given a Zidisha loan ad added two computers as I stated above, now we are making a profit of Kshs. 30,000 per month.
Thank you Zidisha team and all my lenders.
God bless you..
Am operating my cyber café which I added two computers after I was given a zidisha loan. Since am in the industry of computer technician and my wife operates a shop we are able to get our daily bread and also do some savings which accompanies some expenses as here below:
Income from the shop; USD 224.401 per month
From my own self employment USD 280.502 per month
Food: USD 56.1004 per month
Since we stay in town we pay rent of USD 67.3204
Clothing: USD 22.4401
Transport: USD 16.8301
Electricity bill: USD 11.2201
Water bill USD 11.2201
When I informed my wife about Zidisha loan on their terms and conditions, she gave me a go a head to borrow and we agreed to cut our expenses in order to be able to repay back the loan as below:
Food: USD 33.6602
On rent we agreed to move to a cheaper house amounting to USD 39.2702
Clothing: USD 13.4641
Transport: USD 11.2201
Meaning that in a month we are able to save USD 53.8563 so as to repay our loan. Thank you
Gilbert Migiro says ‘ Zidisha lenders future for the unempoyed’.
Am intending that immediately as I get this loan I will add two computers to my cybercafé which is growing faster and I wish to have seven computers in total since nowadays many of my customers are university students who have mass work of printing and browsing. Now am intending also to add a skype equipment to my cyber café which most of my customers are asking for now and again. I will as far as add a waiver to my cybercafé since it is a world of digital class. A waiver will assist me in many ways for example if a customers finds that all computers are equipped then he or she can use a waiver to work on her laptop or the smart phone and he or she can proceed even to print the work.
And i always promise my self that in future i will come up with a class of teaching even computer packages and mostly i will cover on the area of the internet.
Thanks a lot Zidisha team and lenders
God bless you all.
To add 3 computers and skype equipment to my cybercafe
Before I narrate my story let me pass my sincere thanks to the Zidisha team and the entire Zidisha Lenders for the first loan they awarded me since it improved my business greatly. Indeed I used the loan to buy two second hand computers which were in a good working condition I added on the three I had to make a total of five computers in my small cyber café and this made customers to flow in large numbers since my Internet Service Provider is faster as compared to the others. My story is not a long one since
I am a male adult aged 34 years with a wife and one child. Am the first born in a family of four children three boys and one girl a position that equips me with a lot of responsibilities. I come from Manga Isecha near Bobaracho market within Kisii County. I went through my education with only one parent. One may ask where was my father?. My story is a sad one. While I was 5 years old my father neglected our family and left my mum a lone. But my mum was a hard working lady with a lot of motivation from family and friends. Actually she managed to educate us up to form four levels. After my form four I joined one of the most well established colleges in Kisii town by then known as ST. ANN’S COLLEGE. Excellently I passed with a credit in the year 2003. Being obviously in Kenya there are no ready jobs after college. I employed my self as a qualified computer technician which involved the following: formatting of computers, programming computers and giving sort of consultation on the set up of internet and computer problem diagnosis, moreover advising them on a strategic position of a business. I managed to marry my beautiful wife in the year 2010 and we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl in 2011. Since my wife was not employed I set her up with a small business of shop ( Kiosk) selling of vegetables and fruits. The business flourished so greatly since in town we had ready market. Before Zidisha loan we were making a profit of Kshs 20,000, and when we were given a Zidisha loan ad added two computers as I stated above, now we are making a profit of Kshs. 30,000 per month.
Thank you Zidisha team and all my lenders.
God bless you..
Am operating my cyber café which I added two computers after I was given a zidisha loan. Since am in the industry of computer technician and my wife operates a shop we are able to get our daily bread and also do some savings which accompanies some expenses as here below:
Income from the shop; USD 224.401 per month
From my own self employment USD 280.502 per month
Food: USD 56.1004 per month
Since we stay in town we pay rent of USD 67.3204
Clothing: USD 22.4401
Transport: USD 16.8301
Electricity bill: USD 11.2201
Water bill USD 11.2201
When I informed my wife about Zidisha loan on their terms and conditions, she gave me a go a head to borrow and we agreed to cut our expenses in order to be able to repay back the loan as below:
Food: USD 33.6602
On rent we agreed to move to a cheaper house amounting to USD 39.2702
Clothing: USD 13.4641
Transport: USD 11.2201
Meaning that in a month we are able to save USD 53.8563 so as to repay our loan. Thank you
Gilbert Migiro says ‘ Zidisha lenders future for the unempoyed’.
Am intending that immediately as I get this loan I will add two computers to my cybercafé which is growing faster and I wish to have seven computers in total since nowadays many of my customers are university students who have mass work of printing and browsing. Now am intending also to add a skype equipment to my cyber café which most of my customers are asking for now and again. I will as far as add a waiver to my cybercafé since it is a world of digital class. A waiver will assist me in many ways for example if a customers finds that all computers are equipped then he or she can use a waiver to work on her laptop or the smart phone and he or she can proceed even to print the work.
And i always promise my self that in future i will come up with a class of teaching even computer packages and mostly i will cover on the area of the internet.
Thanks a lot Zidisha team and lenders
God bless you all.