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Mobile Phone

Phone accessories for my new shop

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurBenardLocationRongai Waka, Kenya
Project status
3%paid forward

I was born in a remote area called Kimangu ,in the year 1985.I started my education in the same place in 1990 After completing my primary level i din,d proceed with my education for my parent could not manage to.I stayed while helping them to cultivate our shamber till 2000 when i went for my training as an Electrician, I came back home and work as casual .I Married to one wife blessed with a boy ..I do live in Kimangu farm bi hide karenjus ave. Plot no 135.

After some months of a difficult in life ,i manage to correct some money, and started to learn my own business to date .The business is some how good and some time bad , there might be more customer , some time not.I love the business.for it help me and my family,to sustain standard of wife is a farmer where by she keep dairy catle.

After I receive this funds I will be able to stock my new shop which is a new branch. I will be able to get more profit which will enable me continue constructing a new house. To the community I have already employed two youths and I intend to employ more depending on the profits