I am a Kenyan citizen, married with one child. Live and work in Mombasa- Mtawa-kilifi country.
I reside at Frere-town word in Kisauni country. The closest land mark to my place is a mosque called kadiria. Live in a house under the agency of Ingonyi Enterprises house number 212. First born in a family of four thus two sisters and one brother. My Parent live in western province, Lugari country, doing farming of subsistence food staffs (maize, beans and vegetables) Animal hearing, five cows ten goats and little poultry. The land occupied is three hectors.
Primary: Attended Musembe primary School, attained a mean grade of B+.
Secondary: Joined Emusire Boys High School in western Kenya.
College: Universal College: Studies Higher diploma in Computer Science.
I got a new job now as the Information Technology assistant Administrator at Sondhi Trading Limited. It deal with warehousing of tea and coffee, and export of the same to over seas countries.(e.g USA, Germany, South Africa and China)
I ensure the LAN is working well, the user have the relevant connections, smooth communication within the organization, Maintain the company website www.sondhi-mbaraki.com (view the source code page hidden foot note: Simon Sabwa tel: 0726-353752.
My current gross pay is now USD 541. From the small business i get a net figure of USD 150 per month. This new ICT Training venture is the area that i would like to focus my attention by making it grow.
My ICT training business can now raise USD 250 net per month.
My wife is a primary school teacher she supplements our domestic expenses.
To gain sufficient exposure and experience in all Information Technology related training. This including all application packages, design and graphic work. Get exposure and experience in practical software development and programming. Expand the small venture that i have started by opening different branches in different town in different counties in the country.
I have gained ten years training experience handling different sets of students. I have been in a managerial position for more than managerial level for more than three years. I have perfected my communication skills for now I can handle any kind of crowd with different intellect. I have grained both practical and application experience to teach, apply and implement any application package. I have assembled all the data and training materials I need to effectively teach different set of clients. Both cooperate and regular students.
The previous loans boosted me up in my income, and a i am looking forward to expanding it by partnering with Zidisha lender when pay my loans obligations on time and increase in loan limit levels.
I am aiming at being a boss of my own, do what I have planned to do and expand my horizon. It is my wish to have a good working and business relationship with Zidisha to enable me achieve the set target
Shall start by getting a printer then, second loan add a computer then processed from there.
I look forward to a positive response from you and promise to fully comply with your set rules and regulations.
My gross salary is USD 541. Other sources of income are 3 from design work that earns me (two to three thousands per month) My wife is a primary school teacher she supplements our domestic expenses.
Expenses per month in general; House rent USD 50, food USD 41 electricity USD 5, transport USD 30, water USD 3.1 per month.
Current Assets.
I have Seven computers in a working condition each with a value of USD 398 Home appliances; Tv set twenty one inch with a value of USD 231, LG-Dvd machine value USD 57. Seven Computer tables with a value of USD 210, Printer value of USD 150 Side board value USD 250. Seats average value of USD 215. and sStationary USD 350
I have now set up the small training center hopefully it will pick up and move the next level. The training materials are all set. The college i anticipate the growth will be gradual despite the competition, i have prepared for the challenge.
Per session there will be four students (who pay USD 45 for a duration of ten weeks. A day shall have four sessions each session two hours i.e USD (6 x4x2.92= 70.08 per day)
I was introduced to Zidisha Organization by a friends, I made my research to know more about the operations of the organization. I have the confidence this will be a pillar in building my future dream. I will adhere to the regulations, and ensure that I work within stipulated ranges. I grow in trust and loan level.
I appreciate the the first loan has enabled me improve my working and boosted my when i bought an hp an printer. I look forward to getting the second loan to buy an Epson printer that is more economical on cartridge use. This printer can print more pages at competent rate. This will enable me to have enough collection to service 400 shilling every week. Once all is table i will reschedule my weekly repayment to 500 shilling and repay on time. This time round, i look forward to maintain 100% repayment so as to qualify for third loan increase. I vow to continuously work had and repay my loans on time to qualify for bigger funding at the same time keep my lender posted on my progress level.
My second loan boated me in my small business in printing to grow. I would like to have a third loan to make same improvement with the quality of printing work. have a better printer that is more economical in terms of cartridge cost.
This time if all goes well it is my wish that i qualify for a credit increase appraisal.
I really thank all Zidisha lender for helping me make a jump start in basic issues and i can say it has really helped me. My God bless you all.
My third loan has helped me add up a printer that i now use at the training center.
I look forward to growing this business venture into a big college. What is limiting me scarce resources, but with time i shall make it. This new loan i am looking forward to purchasing a refurbished computer to accommodate more students during training sessions. I honer my obligations and commitments of repaying back my loans. God bless you all.
To begin with i thank all the leaders for having confidence in me, by supporting me all along. The year a has started and this is the time that i can get more students enrollment into computer training session.
I shall keep on honoring my obligations on time. This fifth loan i wish to add a computer on three of computers that i have to make four. This will help me increase the number of students that can be trained within one session.
It will help me a great deal in boasting my overall output from the work. Consequently i shall be in a better position of repaying this loan and manage my expenses as i grow the business. I look forward for a positive feedback from the Zidisha lenders.
May God bless you all.
I am progressing well and hope to doing much better in this business.
Dear Lender.
Thanks so much for trusting me and supporting me through the past loans. I have had the most challenging period this time, since my wife was diagnosed for cervical cancer. I thank God she had now undergone medication and she is now doing well. My business has been a big boast to get the funds to clear medical bills and at the same time maintain my obligation to repay my Zidisha loan. This current loan i want to increase the number of computers to help boast the revenue upwards.
I promise to keep my word and if things work out well i shall adjust my repayment amount to clear the loan within a shorter time.
Wishing all the best as you prepare to support me once again.
Be blessed
Simben I.C.T. College
I am a Kenyan citizen, married with one child. Live and work in Mombasa- Mtawa-kilifi country.
I reside at Frere-town word in Kisauni country. The closest land mark to my place is a mosque called kadiria. Live in a house under the agency of Ingonyi Enterprises house number 212. First born in a family of four thus two sisters and one brother. My Parent live in western province, Lugari country, doing farming of subsistence food staffs (maize, beans and vegetables) Animal hearing, five cows ten goats and little poultry. The land occupied is three hectors.
Primary: Attended Musembe primary School, attained a mean grade of B+.
Secondary: Joined Emusire Boys High School in western Kenya.
College: Universal College: Studies Higher diploma in Computer Science.
I got a new job now as the Information Technology assistant Administrator at Sondhi Trading Limited. It deal with warehousing of tea and coffee, and export of the same to over seas countries.(e.g USA, Germany, South Africa and China)
I ensure the LAN is working well, the user have the relevant connections, smooth communication within the organization, Maintain the company website www.sondhi-mbaraki.com (view the source code page hidden foot note: Simon Sabwa tel: 0726-353752.
My current gross pay is now USD 541. From the small business i get a net figure of USD 150 per month. This new ICT Training venture is the area that i would like to focus my attention by making it grow.
My ICT training business can now raise USD 250 net per month.
My wife is a primary school teacher she supplements our domestic expenses.
To gain sufficient exposure and experience in all Information Technology related training. This including all application packages, design and graphic work. Get exposure and experience in practical software development and programming. Expand the small venture that i have started by opening different branches in different town in different counties in the country.
I have gained ten years training experience handling different sets of students. I have been in a managerial position for more than managerial level for more than three years. I have perfected my communication skills for now I can handle any kind of crowd with different intellect. I have grained both practical and application experience to teach, apply and implement any application package. I have assembled all the data and training materials I need to effectively teach different set of clients. Both cooperate and regular students.
The previous loans boosted me up in my income, and a i am looking forward to expanding it by partnering with Zidisha lender when pay my loans obligations on time and increase in loan limit levels.
I am aiming at being a boss of my own, do what I have planned to do and expand my horizon. It is my wish to have a good working and business relationship with Zidisha to enable me achieve the set target
Shall start by getting a printer then, second loan add a computer then processed from there.
I look forward to a positive response from you and promise to fully comply with your set rules and regulations.
My gross salary is USD 541. Other sources of income are 3 from design work that earns me (two to three thousands per month) My wife is a primary school teacher she supplements our domestic expenses.
Expenses per month in general; House rent USD 50, food USD 41 electricity USD 5, transport USD 30, water USD 3.1 per month.
Current Assets.
I have Seven computers in a working condition each with a value of USD 398 Home appliances; Tv set twenty one inch with a value of USD 231, LG-Dvd machine value USD 57. Seven Computer tables with a value of USD 210, Printer value of USD 150 Side board value USD 250. Seats average value of USD 215. and sStationary USD 350
I have now set up the small training center hopefully it will pick up and move the next level. The training materials are all set. The college i anticipate the growth will be gradual despite the competition, i have prepared for the challenge.
Per session there will be four students (who pay USD 45 for a duration of ten weeks. A day shall have four sessions each session two hours i.e USD (6 x4x2.92= 70.08 per day)
I was introduced to Zidisha Organization by a friends, I made my research to know more about the operations of the organization. I have the confidence this will be a pillar in building my future dream. I will adhere to the regulations, and ensure that I work within stipulated ranges. I grow in trust and loan level.
I appreciate the the first loan has enabled me improve my working and boosted my when i bought an hp an printer. I look forward to getting the second loan to buy an Epson printer that is more economical on cartridge use. This printer can print more pages at competent rate. This will enable me to have enough collection to service 400 shilling every week. Once all is table i will reschedule my weekly repayment to 500 shilling and repay on time. This time round, i look forward to maintain 100% repayment so as to qualify for third loan increase. I vow to continuously work had and repay my loans on time to qualify for bigger funding at the same time keep my lender posted on my progress level.
My second loan boated me in my small business in printing to grow. I would like to have a third loan to make same improvement with the quality of printing work. have a better printer that is more economical in terms of cartridge cost.
This time if all goes well it is my wish that i qualify for a credit increase appraisal.
I really thank all Zidisha lender for helping me make a jump start in basic issues and i can say it has really helped me. My God bless you all.
My third loan has helped me add up a printer that i now use at the training center.
I look forward to growing this business venture into a big college. What is limiting me scarce resources, but with time i shall make it. This new loan i am looking forward to purchasing a refurbished computer to accommodate more students during training sessions. I honer my obligations and commitments of repaying back my loans. God bless you all.
To begin with i thank all the leaders for having confidence in me, by supporting me all along. The year a has started and this is the time that i can get more students enrollment into computer training session.
I shall keep on honoring my obligations on time. This fifth loan i wish to add a computer on three of computers that i have to make four. This will help me increase the number of students that can be trained within one session.
It will help me a great deal in boasting my overall output from the work. Consequently i shall be in a better position of repaying this loan and manage my expenses as i grow the business. I look forward for a positive feedback from the Zidisha lenders.
May God bless you all.
I am progressing well and hope to doing much better in this business.
Dear Lender.
Thanks so much for trusting me and supporting me through the past loans. I have had the most challenging period this time, since my wife was diagnosed for cervical cancer. I thank God she had now undergone medication and she is now doing well. My business has been a big boast to get the funds to clear medical bills and at the same time maintain my obligation to repay my Zidisha loan. This current loan i want to increase the number of computers to help boast the revenue upwards.
I promise to keep my word and if things work out well i shall adjust my repayment amount to clear the loan within a shorter time.
Wishing all the best as you prepare to support me once again.
Be blessed