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Rural women farmers market access

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurLucy NaserianLocationNakuru, Kenya
Project status
20%paid forward

Am Lucy Naserian Lemalon,

A first born girl in a family of five from the Maasai community Loitoktok Kenya. The Maasai community are well known for a strict culture that tends to suppress women development as its dominantly a patriarchal community.

Luckily our Dad was schooled and ensured that all his daughters went to school. Thus I and my sister in our local community we stand our out as role models to the many of the girls around.

We were equally given land just like our brothers where we do farming. Am also skilled in dress making and currently am engaged in a small business of selling onions.

Am passionate to influence other girls from my community into being self reliant as am sure in a way it will reduce resource based cases of gender based violence. It will also further help more girls to access education or economic empowering activities.

Am currently in the trading of onions. I locate farmers especially women farmers back in the village from whom I buy onions then sale them to house holds back in Nakuru town.

Normally this women are exploited by middlemen as they are old or if young they are not exposed. So I have been organising them into groups so that they can better access market for their products.

With the funds, this women are able to take their children especially girls to school or skills learning in the event they drop out due to teenage pregnancy.

This way, I am helping women have access to a market for their products and also help households to save time they would have used to go to town to purchase groceries like onions -thus they have more time with their children.

One Kilogram of onions from the farmer costs me an average of KSH 30 to 50 depending on the season., I sale a kilogram between KSH. 50 to 80 putting into consideration costs of transport and levies.

The income from the business helps me to boost our family income, cater for my sons school fees and support my siblings in helping our aged mother. Am keen on expanding it to a new level reason am requesting your support to fund my dream.

The funds will help me increase my stock by enabling me to buy more from the rural women. This will see me have more onions to supply to my urban clientele in the process improving my income as well as providing a market for the rural women folk that struggle getting a fair price for their product.