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Food Retail


John DoeJ
EntrepreneurHababaLocationKitale, Kenya
Project status
Expiredon June 16, 2018

I am Timaa noor and i am an enterprenuer working for almost 5 year and i have 5 children 2 sons and 2 daughters 1of my daughter passed away.I completed high school level and went further in college and studied businuess and management diploma course for 2 years

My income source comes mainlly from my businuess enterprise where i earn 5000/- per week on average and i dont have any other source of income since my husband the man of my children had passed away since 2008

when i immediately receive the sum of money, i am going to add more assets im my businuess enterprise thus hoping for its development and growth.This will make my enterprise to grow steadily by bring assets and good which are unavailable in my area.