Back last year my wife diagnosed with heart infection that needed special attention medically. She was admitted in several hospitals including Premial Hospital, Nairobi Women to mention just a few. It took all finances to the point of borrowing even advance of some months at James Finlay's. I reached a place where indebted everywhere which leaved me with one option to resign and access profidence fund to clear the debts and cater for my wife medication. The remaining balance, I started this business of milk supply and running cereals which am doing well
Am now a business man, milk distributor. Selling almost 5000 packages of milk every day and making a profit of ksh 1750 every day. Take a stock of milk worthy ksh. Fifty thousand after two days. Have customers all around Nyali constituency and soon aspiring to cross over to in tire Mombasa city. Given an opportunity to access your loan will give me apportunity to open another stores in order reach to other parts of the city on time also will give a door for employment of labour to other people.
Am running a business of both distribution of milk and cereals which is on a high demand. Therefore the fund will me to increase the stock of both commodity. I run the business in Nyali constituency which comprises Kongowea Regional market. This has contributed to the high demand of my commodity. Given an opportunity to access this fund will make a tremendous turn around positively o my business.
Distributing milk and local grains
Back last year my wife diagnosed with heart infection that needed special attention medically. She was admitted in several hospitals including Premial Hospital, Nairobi Women to mention just a few. It took all finances to the point of borrowing even advance of some months at James Finlay's. I reached a place where indebted everywhere which leaved me with one option to resign and access profidence fund to clear the debts and cater for my wife medication. The remaining balance, I started this business of milk supply and running cereals which am doing well
Am now a business man, milk distributor. Selling almost 5000 packages of milk every day and making a profit of ksh 1750 every day. Take a stock of milk worthy ksh. Fifty thousand after two days. Have customers all around Nyali constituency and soon aspiring to cross over to in tire Mombasa city. Given an opportunity to access your loan will give me apportunity to open another stores in order reach to other parts of the city on time also will give a door for employment of labour to other people.
Am running a business of both distribution of milk and cereals which is on a high demand. Therefore the fund will me to increase the stock of both commodity. I run the business in Nyali constituency which comprises Kongowea Regional market. This has contributed to the high demand of my commodity. Given an opportunity to access this fund will make a tremendous turn around positively o my business.