Am hard working guy currently opperating a barber shop after cyber business failed due to advanced technology and less papre work am working on operating a motorcycle on part ime and it guatantees a minimjm of kah 500 daily
Am currently operating barber shop business and am earning ksh 600 per day and am objecting to improve my business to a target of ksh 1000 per day which add up to ksh 30,000 per month i added a motorcycle to the list and am objecting to make over ksh 40000 per month
I will repair my motorbike which will help me attract more customers hence i will be in a good position to make more targeging daily income of at lwast ksh 1500 per day becourse i tun a berbarshop too .
Repair motorbike
Am hard working guy currently opperating a barber shop after cyber business failed due to advanced technology and less papre work am working on operating a motorcycle on part ime and it guatantees a minimjm of kah 500 daily
Am currently operating barber shop business and am earning ksh 600 per day and am objecting to improve my business to a target of ksh 1000 per day which add up to ksh 30,000 per month i added a motorcycle to the list and am objecting to make over ksh 40000 per month
I will repair my motorbike which will help me attract more customers hence i will be in a good position to make more targeging daily income of at lwast ksh 1500 per day becourse i tun a berbarshop too .