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Purchase of restaurant equipment

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurFrankLocationLusaka, Zambia
Project status
39%paid forward

My name is Frank Bwalya and I live Garden Chilulu Compound in Lusaka. I come from humble background. I went to Northmead secondary school where I completed my grade 12. When I completed my grade 12, I joined my Auntie at her restaurant in town, where I started working and learnt skills of preparing different recipe. Despite earning little income I managed to enroll as a student at Fairview College in food and catering management program. I attained a Diploma in food and catering management program which led me to start my own food restaurant after acquiring the skills from school and from Auntie's restaurant. In our land we celebrate the culture called the crocodile clan where traditional dances are displayed and this ceremony is attracted by many . I wish my children to more hard working by acquiring more skill and knowledge in small field of business and expand the business in future. During leisure time I go for boat cruising and visit my parents in the village in Mporocoso in the Northern Zambia.

I'm into food processing and I sale a different types of dishes such as nshima with fish, t-born, beef stew, dry fish and fresh, sausages, meat pies, cup cakes, scorns, flitters and assorted drinks. These goods are very important in the lives of the people because they are consumed day to day in our lives. Therefore, it is highly on demand and it is equally profitable. However, my its cost me approximately ZMW 40.000.00 to meet all the requirements to process all the food recipes at the restaurant. The profits generated are used for reinvestments for growing the business, pay hope rentals, pay the children school fees and improving the living standard home.

Following the growth of my restaurant and the opening of a new restaurant, there is need to buy extra restaurant equipment to operate effectively and earn more income at the shop. I the serving pans, restaurant chairs and tables for the customers to fill comfortable while they buy food menu of their choice, as this will attract the members of the community to give me more business and earn more incomes, therefore the profits made will be used to grow the business as I will need to invest more in the business and improve the living standard of my family by providing them with three meals every day.