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Purchase items for my cafe business

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurAlbertLocationAbeka, Ghana
Project status
Expiredon August 8, 2017

I am an evangelist, and I have been one for over 10 years. I entered to business not to be a burden to no one in preaching the Gospel,” For you recall, brethren, our labor and hardship, how working night and day so as not to be a burden to any of you, we proclaimed to you the gospel of God “(1Thessalonians 2:9). I recently start a multimedia business which provides cyber café, Graphic designing and wireless internet service at small range. I intent to improve the wireless internet service provision by escalating the Access Point (AP) as to enable customers miles away to connect internet to their wireless enabled devices (laptop, note, smartphone etc.) from the comfort of their homes.

My company's name is Reachout Multimedia, incorporated as a sole proprietor to Ghana Registry-General Department in 2011 to provide internet cafe service, secretarial service.

We started operating in April 2012 with few eight (8) machines and now we have about sixteen (16) machines; one brand new generator of 5 KVA of capacity to serve as a standby in case of light blackout ;our business hall is equipped with an Air Conditioner (AC) this, is to maintain a conducive working environment for our customers.

Our business is profitable as we have a better understanding of our customers' expectation and tailor our service provision to fit them, while our vision is to expand and migrate from being merely an internet Café Company to becoming an Internet Service Provider (ISP) Company to harness the economy of scale, particularly the mobile world, as smartphones are becoming cheaper than before in Ghana, many Ghanaian who have smartphones and other wifi enabled devices need fast and reliable internet to fully enjoy them. This is a big business opportunity however, it is very difficult for a SME like ours to access funds in Ghana like many other developing countries, thanks to ZIDISHA, I think there is a hope for us to achieve our dreams.

Thanks to previous success ,I am encouraged to invest more money in the purchase of more items (Slightly used laptops ,cellphones, computer accessories )to retail them to the end users ,thus generate more income .

To make it happen , I have sought and established a good relationship with some suppliers ,from whom I will get those items at affordable prices then retail them at competitive prices on the market and still be profitable .

For this reason, once again ,I am counting on you my lenders to make it happen .

Looking forward to hearing back from you through your unwavering supports .

Kind regards