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Providing fresh drinking water to the community

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurDorothy MutheuLocationKilifi, Kenya
Project status
27%paid forward

I am 52 years old now, doing business of selling fresh drinking water in lungalunga Town, Kenya. I am a 2nd born in a family of 4, 2 boys and 2 girls. .My parents were both teachers. I went to school upto college level where I did secretarial studies and later worked in the banking sector for 20 years. I struggled very much afterwards because I had no experience in business, but later, with the help of Zidisha, I have done different projects which have turned successful. Where I live currently in the coastal area of Kenya, there is a no fresh water available, except during rainy season.

I am currently selling fresh drinking water. In lungalunga Town, there is no fresh drinking water available in taps. The residents depend on rain water and the water which is sold by a few businesses. I chose to do this kind of business because water is a basic need commodity which is in demand every day. The water is sold in Jerrycans of 20litres, each costing Kshs.50/=. I get a profit of Kshs.19/= per Jerrycans. Currently the profit is ploughed back to the business coz it's still at the infancy stage, but typically, I expect to get a profit of Kshs.60,000/= per month, when business picks up, which is quite soon.

When I get the funds, I will be able to increase the Jerrycans used to store drinking water so that there will always be water available at all times. This will help me to have more sales and my family will be better provided for, and the community will not lack fresh drinking water.