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Poultry farming

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurSaraLocationNarok, Kenya
Project status
9%paid forward

My name is Sarah cheptanui, I come from a small village called olerai in Narok county rifty valley province.

I was born and raised in middle class family, my father was a farmer and mother was a trader she used to own a retail shop in our village.

I have watched my parents struggle to raise school fees for the four of us and this made me work hard while in school.

I attained a degree in human resource at maisai Mara University, got pregnant while in University and settled down with my husband just near my home.

I am a passionate farmer a mother to three children and care giver to my mother who is in her old age.

My father passed on two years ago and my other siblings moved to town were they work.

I am a full time animal farmer, I sell eggs, chicken meat, chicken dropping, one day to 4 months chiks, brooding pots which I make myself and sell, milk and goats.

Having a good farm where I can at least make 30 us dollars in a day as profit.

I request for funds to enable me construct a bigger poultry house to accommodate more chicken Layers for eggs.


My intention is to buy feeds for my layers chicken, I will buy layers mash 80 KGS and concentrate, This will feed the chiken and help in egg production.

Thank you for the funds God bless you all.