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Poultry farming

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurSolomonLocationMutwot, Kenya
Project status
29%paid forward

Hi, my name is Solomon Kebeney from Kenya, Rift valley province , Uasin- Gishu county. i am 41years old ,and married. i studied diploma in electrical engineering at technical university of Kenya, in the recent years i started poultry farming to boost my daily income.however,there have been challenges in this industry;but through research and visiting various farms I have been able to learn new techniques , During my free time i enjoy playing chess and volleyball.

My core businesses is Poultry Farming, I rear chickens for meat and eggs.

I choose poultry farming because it requires minimum space ,easy to manage and demand for eggs and meat within locality is high.

Cost of feeds takes up large percentage in poultry; therefore we grow some of this locally to cut down on cost.

I currently have 100chickens,which translates to 10usd from sale of eggs daily. We use profits to fund family expenses and part for reinvestment in poultry farming.

The proposed funds will be utilized as below.

1. Purchase of Multipurpose feeds making mill machine.. 230usd.

2.Equip hydrophonic unit for feed production...60usd

3.Procurement of 200pcs new improved day old chicks ..153usd.

This will improve production and cut down on cost of feeds hence more revenue .more production will improve sales for middle men within community.