My name is Stephen Saka and I'm 32 years of age, I was born and raised in Mukuru Kwa Ruben an informal settlement based in Nairobi, growing up I went through a lot of challenges one being finding myself in a bad company but through all that I managed to walk my way out of that through focusing on learning basic skills, therefore I joined Nairobits Trust where I got to learn about Graphics and Web design that changed my life in a BIG way, I managed to start my first business running a Cyber Café which did well for two years then I relocated to Fedha Estate where I also started a small movie shop but since I was not familiar with how business run in the new Estate I had to close the movie shop and since I don't give up easily I opened a photo studio that has been operational since 2018.
Business has been good throughout the years and I've also been able to train my friends from Mukuru kwa Ruben that are now depending on the skills I taught them, I am a person who believes in impacting the people around me positively, by doing that I feel like I am making the world a better place for everyone.
My registered business name is Dotcliq Creations Media Solutions which was first opened in 2018 then registered one year later, I deal in Event coverage both Video and photography, Photo Studio, Graphics Design, Livestreaming, Documentary, Music video and consultation of the above services. Over the years we have been growing gradually and as at now I've employed two workers that I've been able to train by myself.
I chose this kind of business simply because it's what I love doing and it also enable me to connect with different types of people and I've also been able to travel all over the country. My monthly income is always between Ksh.80,000 to Kshs.120,000 and sometimes goes up to Kshs.200,000 and just to clarify we use our business TILL NUMBER to receive payment, therefor the MPESA statement I've attached is for my personal number, if you wish to get my MPESA TILL NUMBER statement I'll be happy to share it with you.
Normally we get a lot of booking on high seasons which is from August to December and the main challenge is always getting enough gear (equipment) to use for work according to orders at hand. My aim is to get funding which will enable me to purchase these equipment that will make our work easier and will allow us to make significant amount of profit that will also allow us to pay back the monies swiftly without issues.
I am a family man with one wife and two kids, my first born is 5 years old and in school I also don't own a house in Nairobi therefor I pay rent, with the proceeds from this business I'm able to pay all this bills monthly without fail, I've also tried to invest in other business that are still trying to stabilize and I'm hoping for positive results.
We've started applying for the US lottery DV and we normally charge a fee of 500 per application therefore with the findings I'll be able to purchase a white background for the passport at the studio since the one I had is old and torn and me getting the funding will allow me to working swiftly without any issues.
Photo studio upgrade
My name is Stephen Saka and I'm 32 years of age, I was born and raised in Mukuru Kwa Ruben an informal settlement based in Nairobi, growing up I went through a lot of challenges one being finding myself in a bad company but through all that I managed to walk my way out of that through focusing on learning basic skills, therefore I joined Nairobits Trust where I got to learn about Graphics and Web design that changed my life in a BIG way, I managed to start my first business running a Cyber Café which did well for two years then I relocated to Fedha Estate where I also started a small movie shop but since I was not familiar with how business run in the new Estate I had to close the movie shop and since I don't give up easily I opened a photo studio that has been operational since 2018.
Business has been good throughout the years and I've also been able to train my friends from Mukuru kwa Ruben that are now depending on the skills I taught them, I am a person who believes in impacting the people around me positively, by doing that I feel like I am making the world a better place for everyone.
My registered business name is Dotcliq Creations Media Solutions which was first opened in 2018 then registered one year later, I deal in Event coverage both Video and photography, Photo Studio, Graphics Design, Livestreaming, Documentary, Music video and consultation of the above services. Over the years we have been growing gradually and as at now I've employed two workers that I've been able to train by myself.
I chose this kind of business simply because it's what I love doing and it also enable me to connect with different types of people and I've also been able to travel all over the country. My monthly income is always between Ksh.80,000 to Kshs.120,000 and sometimes goes up to Kshs.200,000 and just to clarify we use our business TILL NUMBER to receive payment, therefor the MPESA statement I've attached is for my personal number, if you wish to get my MPESA TILL NUMBER statement I'll be happy to share it with you.
Normally we get a lot of booking on high seasons which is from August to December and the main challenge is always getting enough gear (equipment) to use for work according to orders at hand. My aim is to get funding which will enable me to purchase these equipment that will make our work easier and will allow us to make significant amount of profit that will also allow us to pay back the monies swiftly without issues.
I am a family man with one wife and two kids, my first born is 5 years old and in school I also don't own a house in Nairobi therefor I pay rent, with the proceeds from this business I'm able to pay all this bills monthly without fail, I've also tried to invest in other business that are still trying to stabilize and I'm hoping for positive results.
We've started applying for the US lottery DV and we normally charge a fee of 500 per application therefore with the findings I'll be able to purchase a white background for the passport at the studio since the one I had is old and torn and me getting the funding will allow me to working swiftly without any issues.