My name is Heri Hartony. I am 32 years old. My business is in the field of furniture, construction, building, etc. The business address is at Jl Hj Dimun Ni 41 Sukamaju Cilodong, Depok City. I have started a business in the furniture sector, which has only been running for 4 years. My business has just risen again after a long hiatus because Covid 19 in 2022 I am also registered as an employee at a company called PT CAHAYA ARIF ABADI which is located at JL TEBET Barat
The business that I built is mostly carpentry or also called furniture. My turnover can be up to 30,000,000/month and I am also actively registered as an employee in a company that operates in telecommunications with a salary of 9 million rupiah.
My current project is to buy a motorbike as a business inventory and to support mobility in daily activities and to increase efficiency of time and daily accommodation costs.
Purchase of motorcycle units
My name is Heri Hartony. I am 32 years old. My business is in the field of furniture, construction, building, etc. The business address is at Jl Hj Dimun Ni 41 Sukamaju Cilodong, Depok City. I have started a business in the furniture sector, which has only been running for 4 years. My business has just risen again after a long hiatus because Covid 19 in 2022 I am also registered as an employee at a company called PT CAHAYA ARIF ABADI which is located at JL TEBET Barat
The business that I built is mostly carpentry or also called furniture. My turnover can be up to 30,000,000/month and I am also actively registered as an employee in a company that operates in telecommunications with a salary of 9 million rupiah.
My current project is to buy a motorbike as a business inventory and to support mobility in daily activities and to increase efficiency of time and daily accommodation costs.