Listing image gallery
Online freelancing

Purchase of computer equipment

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurRajuLocationBogor, Indonesia
Project status
80%paid forward

Introduce my name Raju Effendi, currently running a business / business sticker, graphic design services and printing services. With social media and online stores making orders and goods demand is increasing, therefore through Zidisha I try to find additional funds to increase productivity and sales.

The business I run is selling motorcycle / striping accessories, be it the manufacturer"s standards and variations. This type of business is very much interested from the user start and the change of motorcycle type from year to year, so most likely this business will continue to run despite the many competitors. For the cost of capital varies each product to be marketed, for turnover over the last few months ranged from 8 - 15jt / month. For the use of profit funds allocated for business / facility turnover and equipment upgrades. Because my source of income is also from graphic design services either 2D or 3D for wood carving work using CNC machine.

The funds will be used to purchase/upgrade computers to shorten the work process so that new jobs can be processed immediately without waiting long. That way the work is completed faster