I am 32 years old,married with two children,professionally am customer care executive/Administrator,currently am running my own business, in early 2013 i was fired from my work become i was pregnant with my second born child and that was my turning point in life i decide to venture into business in mid 2013 till today and am not turning back
Growing up, I've been bullied, abused, and neglected. I've always had to defend myself from what others thought of me and embarrassed to say that my life has never really been so great. I've been envied by people close to me (who don't know my story), but through it all, God helps me to see the good in people regardless of their past or present. I realize that I can't influence anyone's life for the better if I harbor bitterness, So I have chosen to see myself the way God sees me, and let go of anything that' keeps pulling me back. Its not an easy journey, but I'm blessed to know that I'm growing stronger everyday. I would like someone to look at my life and find strength in God to preserver and keep trusting that he is using you to make a difference! His purpose for you is greater than what you see! Be encouraged by knowing that i am a woman with no limit,hardworking , Entrepreneur and well focused
My Business involve purchasing of Airtime,Sim cards, sim swap in wholesale form Telecommunication Company namely Safaricom , Airtel ,Orange,Yu,in Nairobi CBD and supply them to vendor within Nairobi Central Business District and its suburb at a profit of 2.5%-3%,i usually start with the shop outlet around where i live then proceed to other areas,communication is very vital and without airtime things will be very difficult i have to deliver them on a daily bases because they are used daily to facilitate communication and demand is very high,mobile phone has become part of our life.
I choose this kind of business because it was very unique and most woman shy away from it as they prefer white coral jobs,i start with a capital of $500 dollar form women chama(micro-finance) or Table banking on a good day i can make between $5-$10,in a month it translate to round $250,i use 30% of the revenue for home improvement,10% for my first child education and the rest 60% reinvest back in growing my business,in the next 1 year i plan to expand my business so that i can include mobile money transfer service(M-pesa)and other banking agents service
Dear lender i take this opportunity personal to thank you for your support and Generous contribution towards my project,
Next week schools here in Kenya will be officially being open for second term,thus create a great opportunity for me to expand and add more stock for my mobile phone Airtime,i supply credit cards to schools and shops around my are where i live thus create job opportunity for me and my family and two other person that i have employ to assist me with my business
I need to add more stock worth 70,000 kshs,with you support i can rise this amount
i need extra 40,500 kshs for new credit cards for my clients because most of the teacher use more Airtime thus has create a good opportunity for me
My breakdown
Safaricom Cards=.......40,000
Airtel Cards=................20,000
Orange Cards=.............5,000
Yu Cards=......................5,000
Total Expense =................................70,000
The remain amount i will use my saving from my business to top up. so that i will be able to have enough stock to sustain my business
Thank you lenders for you support and Trust you have in me i will never let you down that's a promise i made to Zidisha Community you have become part of my live
My God Bless you and you family for your generous support .
Stock of prepaid airtime for mobile phones
I am 32 years old,married with two children,professionally am customer care executive/Administrator,currently am running my own business, in early 2013 i was fired from my work become i was pregnant with my second born child and that was my turning point in life i decide to venture into business in mid 2013 till today and am not turning back
Growing up, I've been bullied, abused, and neglected. I've always had to defend myself from what others thought of me and embarrassed to say that my life has never really been so great. I've been envied by people close to me (who don't know my story), but through it all, God helps me to see the good in people regardless of their past or present. I realize that I can't influence anyone's life for the better if I harbor bitterness, So I have chosen to see myself the way God sees me, and let go of anything that' keeps pulling me back. Its not an easy journey, but I'm blessed to know that I'm growing stronger everyday. I would like someone to look at my life and find strength in God to preserver and keep trusting that he is using you to make a difference! His purpose for you is greater than what you see! Be encouraged by knowing that i am a woman with no limit,hardworking , Entrepreneur and well focused
My Business involve purchasing of Airtime,Sim cards, sim swap in wholesale form Telecommunication Company namely Safaricom , Airtel ,Orange,Yu,in Nairobi CBD and supply them to vendor within Nairobi Central Business District and its suburb at a profit of 2.5%-3%,i usually start with the shop outlet around where i live then proceed to other areas,communication is very vital and without airtime things will be very difficult i have to deliver them on a daily bases because they are used daily to facilitate communication and demand is very high,mobile phone has become part of our life.
I choose this kind of business because it was very unique and most woman shy away from it as they prefer white coral jobs,i start with a capital of $500 dollar form women chama(micro-finance) or Table banking on a good day i can make between $5-$10,in a month it translate to round $250,i use 30% of the revenue for home improvement,10% for my first child education and the rest 60% reinvest back in growing my business,in the next 1 year i plan to expand my business so that i can include mobile money transfer service(M-pesa)and other banking agents service
Dear lender i take this opportunity personal to thank you for your support and Generous contribution towards my project,
Next week schools here in Kenya will be officially being open for second term,thus create a great opportunity for me to expand and add more stock for my mobile phone Airtime,i supply credit cards to schools and shops around my are where i live thus create job opportunity for me and my family and two other person that i have employ to assist me with my business
I need to add more stock worth 70,000 kshs,with you support i can rise this amount
i need extra 40,500 kshs for new credit cards for my clients because most of the teacher use more Airtime thus has create a good opportunity for me
My breakdown
Safaricom Cards=.......40,000
Airtel Cards=................20,000
Orange Cards=.............5,000
Yu Cards=......................5,000
Total Expense =................................70,000
The remain amount i will use my saving from my business to top up. so that i will be able to have enough stock to sustain my business
Thank you lenders for you support and Trust you have in me i will never let you down that's a promise i made to Zidisha Community you have become part of my live
My God Bless you and you family for your generous support .