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More stock +airtel money agent

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurQuinterLocationKemera, Kenya
Project status
Disbursedon January 27, 2015

Thanks for letting me introduce myself: I am quinter, a single mother of two daughters aged five and eight years, and I am in the secondhand clothes business. I graduated from my o levels back in the year 2003 from a local secondary school and ventured into business after failing to afford a college education in the year 2010. I use my profits both expand my business and fend for my small family as a single young mother. I love listening to music and following up trends on social media during my free time. I am determined to get my life back on track and succeed financially to make the life of my children better.

I normally travel to the city (Nairobi)’s Gikomba Market to buy cheaper second hand imported clothes which I normally resell here back at my local area. With the rapid growth of population, there has been an increase in demand for basic needs such as clothing. During the past three years that I have been in the second-hand clothes business, I have managed to cut myself a nich’e in the local market as a trustworthy and pocket friendly pricing dealer and in touch with the fashion trends of the youth who are mainly my targets. In a moth, I can make an average of around 50 USD in sales revenue where I take home almost half of this as profits. Due to the high competition, I intend to rent or build a clothes stall and add more stock.since that the clothes sector is favoured by time and season, i got a good advise to start (Airtel Money) and be their agent of which having done many transactions in a month, you can earn double the amount you use as your float

I would like to thank zidisha lenders for being there for us.i have been in retail clothes market sale for quite some time now and it has really helped me.having so many challenges i have tried my best to cover the market demand as i could with the little funds i have.being in a strategic position in my business, i got a good advise from one of my friends to open an Airtel Money agent so as it can help me in achieving my goals in life.being an agent you can earn good commisions in a month after doing deposits and withdrawal transactions daily which accumulates and in a month having done the transactions i can earn myself up to 150us dollars.Having gotten a loan from zidisha i will insert every penny into the business so as to earn a good commission in a clothes sale business will help me in paying the weekly payments .i will be so greatfull for loanig me