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Mobile Phone

Adding inventory for mobile phone business

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurAanLocationTeluk Kuantan, Indonesia
Project status
7%paid forward

My name is Aan Kurniadi. My age is 26 years old. I am the first child of 3 brothers.

My hobby is to play music, especially playing the drums.

I was born and lived in the village of New Geringging, District Sentajo Kingdom, Regency Kuantan Singingi, Riau Province.

The area where we lived very comfortable, and away from the hustle of the city.

Residents here are very friendly and, most residents here worked as a Farmer gardens for rubber plantations and palm oil plantations, and that includes me.

I work in the rubber plantations already 12 years old and is still actively working ... My educational background only junior .. but the background does not affect me to develop this business. 4 years I have released my business. in addition to already be a trend, the goods that I sell is also a necessity in today's society. with a decent income, I've been able to make a home and buy motorcycles of this benefit my business. place of business I have size 4x5 m, and I open from 13:00 until 22:30 o'clock in the morning until noon .. and I work in the rubber plantation

apart from the business counter ..

I work at a rubber plantation that allows me to pay installments Zidisha later. but make it already I always pay installments of profit Zidisha my counter.

goods that I sell an assortment of mobile phones, mobile phones accesories, ranging from mobile battery, earphone, memory, charger, mobile phone pulses, pulses of electricity and others.

these items are very much in need, in addition has become a trend, it is also the needs of each community. other than that, I also serve the rental Computers, Internet, typing tasks of school children, ranging from elementary, junior high school to college. This result is very tolerable for adding my koner income. I chose my customers because they say, in addition to a fairly low rate, intimacy and a smile to greet the owner counter (I) are very friendly, so they do not feel awkward when dealing with me.

business like this is very easy to benefit, in addition to this requirement, each item sold has the advantage of 2 to 3x. risks which the goods purchased if the customer is not good, of course they complain, and I shall replace it, but it is rarely encountered. to income from this counter, usually I got USD 300, and expenses reached USD 100 ... so net income USD 200. and at this time I would like to apply for a loan again to Zidisha to add a stock phone and accesories.

To buy handphone model Samsung GT-E12272 -

2 unit @USD 26.20

USD 26.25 x 2 = USD 52.5

To buy handphone model Nokia 105

3 unit @USD 17.5

USD 17.5 x 3 = USD 52.5

To buy printer model Canon IP 2770

USD 62.08

To buy handphone model Icherry

5 unit @USD 12

USD 12 x 5 = USD 60

This is the summary of the items I will buy, if there is leftover, I will use to increase inventory of paper and folders.

The more I have inventory of handphones, the better my profit. This benefits others too as they don't have to go faraway to get a phone, and have many options.

With this loan amount, I can get profit around USD50 - 60 weekly.