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Mbugani farm

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurAllen E.LocationTanga, Tanzania
Project status
100%paid forward

My name is Allen Elias Mkangala. I was born in Tanga Lushoto in a family of 12 children. I am 35 years old. I am married and have three children.

Later I learned agriculture in 2019, I started an irrigation farming project in the production of vegetables, fruits and food due to my dreams of helping my family and helping the surrounding community with various needs, so I bought a 25-hectare farm and dug two wells and installing a power washing plant to facilitate the pumping of water from the bottom of the wells to a large water receiving tank for irrigation, I installed Drip systems for the amount of 3 hectares that help facilitate better irrigation for better production, the goal is to achieve the goals of all hectares to have better systems of irrigation there are many challenges that stop production. I am in great need of drip irrigation to increase production, so I need a loan of three hundred thousand shillings only.

300,000 that will enable the purchase of one roll of drip, your loan will help me a lot to increase the production of agriculture and bring profit that will help my family and the community around me, I am adding it for the youth who are surrounded by the project and enable the larger community to get food at a very cheap price. Thank you for your loan, it will contribute to improving the living conditions of my family and many families of workers and all the families surrounding the project. Thank you for your help.