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To help purchase land for building a home and rearing chickens

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurJamesLocationNdenderu, Kenya
Project status
61%paid forward

I am James Wambugu, a Kenyan IT professional, but with a passion for farming.

I was brought up in a rural setting, where indigenous chicken was reared as a hobby as opposed to a commercial venture. Am also venturing in the transport industry which has a lot of potential.

I am currently working as an IT officer with a logistics company, and at the same time rearing indigenous chicken at my rural home.

I am married, with two daughters.

During my free time, i watch a game of football with friends. I am a diehard fan of Arsenal FC.

The current pandemic has dealt a blow to many businesses and mine was no exception. My motorbikes were unable to bring in any income, as their hours of operation coincided with the curfew hours that was put in place by the government to curb the spread of Covid-19.

I had no option but to sell them.

This time, i want to buy land, with the objective of settling on it and doing commercial poultry farming. I have identified a piece of land that is in a strategic place. I have done due diligence and it is genuine. The land is costing $ 5,000.

If i get this loan, the whole amount will go towards purchase of a piece of land.

I will add to my savings, to get the full amount for the land.

Repayment will be done from my salary, as i am still employed full time.