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Keeping the community hunger free

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurZipporahLocationNairobi, Kenya
Project status
22%paid forward

Am a 56 year old Kenyan born on the slopes of mount Elgon. I got involved in a near fatal accident in 2012 that has greatly affected my mobility. I have been doing jewellery, transport and timber cutting business as I supplied construction materials such as sand, ballast and construction stones.

The above has since become challenging with changing times and finally the hit by Covid 19. Farming has remained the only fallback business as borders across countries and counties have since been shut. The demand for farm produce has been the most lucrative business to run. Food and local or traditional vegetables like night black shade have been on great demand to go in line with pound maize flour known as ugali

Since 2018 the other markets have shrunk but food markets have opened up locally as majority of families now relied on locally produced food stuffs. More doors open as our country Kenya seeks to get more people in Agribusiness which encampased a large field of food security. Coupled with the above i have set my sights on acquiring some farming implements like a tractor to boost my income generation since a good Samaritan has seen my struggles and given me use of her land for the next 3 years. I intend to start small by planting short term crops like Kales, Water melons and raring of Poultry to enhance my income generation. Water melons take only 120 days and they are due for harvest or sale. Kales are the immediate money making from one month.

The requirements for this project

1. Seedlings

2. Manure

3. Jembes

4. Watering cans

5. Pesticides

6. 1 farm hand

7. 3 Chickens and 1 cock

Get back to Transport business but currently doing handcrafts which bring in something for sustainance but not enough to reinvest.

Handcrafts boosted by transport is a good income generating service

1. Purchase a tractor to help in tilling my land and offer services at a fee to my neighbours as well. It can also double as a transport tool to supplement ploughing during off season.

2. Use the tractor to supplement transportation and sell of firewood that has become a major income earner since the jewellery market has lost demand due to the pendamic. The market is readily available within my area of residence so it requires very little travel.

3. In the process of creating an E commerce store with Facebook under my website

Am glad to inform my lenders that am getting back to business through farming as a backbone due to a new world order that has affected every corner of the world

I believe my lenders will join hands with to sustain food availability in this most challenging time as we wait for the world to heal.

Despite my physical challenges I hail and call out to sponsors out there to hold my hand to feed the nation and world as we keep each other encouraged at this time that is devasted by the most deadlly disease.

Looking forward to success through serving the community and the world.

Planting Maize and beans is both staple and commercial farm produce.

The season for land preparation is now. I have 4 acres for this project whose planting season starts in March with the onset of rains.