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Internet service provider

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurEvansLocationEmbu County, Kenya
Project status
Disbursedon November 15, 2024

I'm a businessman currently in Embu county, Kenya. I provide transportation of goods to clients and also do internet connections around the county.I'm also a small business owner.

I do online transcription part time and merchandise goods on my free time. I do what I can to get around some cash flow.

I buy goods for my customers and provide transportation of goods at a fee to my clients in different places and towns. The income keeps me afloat and I want to buy a cargo vehicle with your I'm also an Internet Service Provider in my area. Dealing with different people has taught me to always get ahead of their needs and that's how I get paid.

I will buy new stock for resale. My clientele is slowly growing exceeding my business capital. I currently have a website for marketing and with your help I will be able to add enough stock and my livelihood would be better.