My name is Ian Nandi,a teacher by profession,a husband and a father seeking to grow in the world of business.I just got a new born baby boy meaning a new source of income is needed.During my Free time I play rugby for fun
I have a tuitioning program which I earn atleast 6000 per week.I wanna Add a first food stall to back it up.I have projected chips,smokies, sausages and smocha business that would later see immense growth
I will improve my program to start night and early morning online classes and also as transport as I want to increase the area of operation to Ngong town and it's surrounding environments and estates.
Ian nandi kcse tuition program
My name is Ian Nandi,a teacher by profession,a husband and a father seeking to grow in the world of business.I just got a new born baby boy meaning a new source of income is needed.During my Free time I play rugby for fun
I have a tuitioning program which I earn atleast 6000 per week.I wanna Add a first food stall to back it up.I have projected chips,smokies, sausages and smocha business that would later see immense growth
I will improve my program to start night and early morning online classes and also as transport as I want to increase the area of operation to Ngong town and it's surrounding environments and estates.