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Salon equipment and cosmetics

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurVictoriaLocationMufulira, Zambia
Project status
151%paid forward

My name is Victoria Soko I was born in April, 1995. As a childhood I grew up with Mum and Dad in the boarder town of Zambia called Mufulira. My Father was a minor working at Mopani copper mines in Mufulira. My Mother was an dresser she was running a salon in Mufulira town. As I was growing up as a young girl, I also loved the art of plating hair.

I started schooling at Kasuswa Primary School, where I did my primary course to from 1 grade to 9 , while at school, I involved in many sports activities such as netball and drama. As such I won many awards. After school going back home, I would join my mother learning and practicing the art of being a good hair dresser.

I completed my grade 12 at Mufulira Secondary School, Immediately I completed my grade 12, I joined my mother, who had a salon and cosmetic shop in town, I assisted my mother for 3 years, learning and practicing how to become a good hair dresser. My mother really inspired me to become a good hair and I took keen interesting in the job , until customers begin appreciating the art of work in the salon. Through the skills I acquired from mother, Iam what Iam today as an entrepreneur running my own a beauty parlor.

I have been brought up in culture were early marriages is supported to a girl child. Girls are considered to be marriage materials only when they reach of 12 and above. Once a girl child reaches puberty she is prepared for marriage and she taught how to keep a man when she gets married.

Should I have children in future, I want my children to go to school and get educated, I will never allow my children to be subjected in old culture that do not support a child to go to school, I will abolish this culture of allowing early marriages to a child but support a girl child to go to school and unlock many opportunities of life and succeed in their lives.

In free time besides my usual work , I love watching movies, going to church, swimming, playing sports activities and watching soccer.

I ran a salon and cosmetic shop in town, I sell body lotions, soaps, pads, make up for ladies and the hair wigs. In shop at the moment am lacking salon good salon equipment such as 1. dressing mirrors

2. salon styling chair clipper


5.back wash units dryer

7. hair cutting shears, spraying bottle, styling station, combs and chair mats

All these will cost a total of K 35,000.00 which I need to improve all the services I provide in the salon.

As for department of cosmetic, I also need a sum of K 25,000.00 to add additional cosmetic stock such as,

1. Body lotions, make ups, perfumes, roll on and powder which will also cost me K 15000,00

Therefore the total expenditure will come to K 75,000.00.

My turnover profits varies per week and per month, weekly I earn between K5000.00 to K 7000 and my total monthly earnings come to K 20,000.00 to K25,000.00

These profits use them to support the vulnerable in both our family and our community, where I see vulnerable children failing to pay school fees and uniforms. I have this passion that when business is supported, I want to take this opportunity to open an orphanage in our community and support vulnerable children especially the girl child who is subjected to early marriages and drop out of school early.

I will buy salon equipments and cosmetics which enable attend to my customers and satisfy them according to their expectations,From their I will earn good income to support my family and vulnerable children by pay school fees and create jobs for youths in the community.