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Outside the Box

Gaming center and barber shop

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurMwanamwambwaLocationSesheke, Zambia
Project status
81%paid forward

My name is Mukaba Mwanamwambwa, I live in sesheke, Zambia.

I've always wanted to have my own company when Growing up but due to certain circumstances, I didn't manage have my own, Though tried different types of businesses even when I was still in school.

I'm now working for Bridge Cross Investment. That's how I managed to continue supporting my gaming centre shop.

Now my aim is to grow my business.

I have a Gaming Centre, where I offer services like Video Games,i.e Playing Football, Mortal Kombat, all sorts of games.

I've been running this business for sometime now, it hasn't been easy ,sometimes it's slow sometimes it pays off.

All thanks to zidisha, I also order refurbished phones and phone accessories whichisa big improvementto my business, I've also opened a barber shop.these loans are really improving our businesses. I

With these funds that I'llreceive,I'll oder more equipment the shop, I'll order another gaming console, i also I'll order another barbing for the Barber Shop. And also a little bit of phone accessories.