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Outside the Box


John DoeJ
EntrepreneurSamuelLocationIlorin, Nigeria
Project status
1%paid forward

My name is Oyewole Samuel Adebisi, My business name is TALK2BIDEX VENTURES. I live in Ilorin Kwara State. I am in to furniture's production and supplies. I am married with 2 children. I am a business man

I am a business man and I am into Furniture's. I have a different workshops and a show room in Town. The work shop is where we produce our goods. I needed machineries to back up my business. My cost of production include getting planks and other materials.

In my business no amount is too small for expansion,I il add this to buy more materials like gum or form, so by this I il be happy if i will be credited with this which I no if I pay back it il increase more than this