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Home Supplies

Expansion of my manufacturing & supplies business

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurVictorLocationNairobi, Kenya
Project status
63%paid forward

I am 40 years old- married to Margaret Anyango. together with her we have four children aged 14 years named Emilio peter Oundo, 11 years named Deogracious Michael Wandera, 7 years called Envenia Akumu Naderia and the Last Born called Gael Gill Naderia. The first born has joined Class 8 this year 2017. The second born is in class 6 and Envenia is in class 2. Gael is 8 months old. I am a holder of Diploma in purchasing and supplies management and sales and marketing. I have previously worked as field research officer with International Centre of Physiology and Ecology (I.C.I.P.E)- Kenya, sales executive with both Maj-Chemie (selling Agro-chemicals) and cooperative Insurance Company (selling Insurance Policies for both Life & General), sales and debt management with Nila Pharmaceuticals Kenya (selling Human Drugs & initiating policies for collection of bad debts). I have also worked with Spectra Chemicals Kenya limited as assistant sales and marketing manager (selling detergent chemicals and both general and laundry soaps). Apart from doing Business i also work with a church organization (F.C.C.K) as an Administrator( General Secretary). Based on this vast past experiences in sales and marketing, customer care, management and Administration issues, I started my business called Narotsho Investments in 2010 where i make detergents, market and sell to cooperate institutions like hotels, schools, churches and individual entities. I look forward to setting up a factory for making industrial detergents alongside body lotions and home cleaning soaps. Am also an employee of Fellowship Church of Christ as General Secretary where i earn 150 dollars per month the money goes mainly to paying my rent and travelling to work and buying Little foodstuffs expenses.

I run Narotsho Investments with a brand name Narotsho Chemicals and supplies together with my wife Margaret. Narotsho is a dully registered business enterprise according to Kenya business registrations act and it operates a Bank account with Rafiki Micro finance . We supply Cleaning detergents, stain removers, liquid soaps, disinfectants, air fresheners and spotters to both cooperate and individual entities like laundry shops, hotels , schools, Churches and individuals for home use. We mainly raise our capital for supplies through ploughing back

our income from previous supplies and personal savings from incomes and loans from Zidisha... Currently i have three people working as casuals. We intend to do big Business especially tendering which will require total attention and concentration of funds. We would like to introduce new lines of products especially Hand-cream ( hand washing jelly) and dish washing Jelly, buy a presentable office furniture's namely ( a Nice Table and Chair) and pack many products in 0.5 Liters ,5Litres, and 20 Liters quantities.

The amount i will raise will go to manufacturing of ready goods for supplies as follows;

1. Multipurpose liquid detergents ( 5 & 20 ltrs @ 100 dollars

2. Disinfectants (5 & 20 Litres) @ 80 dollars

3. Hand cream Jelly for washing hands ( 0.5, 5 & 20 Litres) @ 60 dollas

4. Staineroff ( Terrazzo Cleaner) 5 & @ 20 Litres @ 60 dollars

5. Laundry Bleach( 5 & 20) Litres 40 dollars

6. Fabric Softener (5 & 20 Litres) @ 40 dollars

7. Toilet balls, Air-fresheners, Furniture polish, & Other supplies @ 100 dollas

8. Strippers 0.5, 1 & 5 Litres @ 40 dollars

9. Office Table & High back Chair @ 120 dollars

Totaling = 620 dollars.