I am Naomi Wangui Kabinge.I live in Uguja village in Homabay county.I am a wife to Mr.Peter Waithera.I am blessed with two childrens,a boy and a girl.Also i live with my late sisters childrens.She left me two sons after she died of AIDs ten years ago.
I am a p1 teacher but a long wait i have not been able to secure teaching job with the Government eight years since i graduated.After teaching in private school for a while i managed to save some little amount of capital and started a grocery.The businesa i now do with passion to date.
During my old days i did volunteer with st.john ambulence while in high school.Some years back i volunterily worked with jijue voluntery and counceling where we walked in several high schools teaching student awareness of AIDs.
I call myself an ambitious small business woman.I run a grocery in a "kibanda" shop.I sell kale(skuma wiki).The word 'skuma wiki' comes from swahili word mearning keep the week going.This names was given to kale because poor people would only afford kale throughout the week.I also sell tomatoes,onions,oranges,bananas,dania,garlic,irice potatoes and chacoal.
I sell this products to the local around here.My business always begun at 5 am where i rush to the main market to bring the fresh products to be sold during the day.At 11 am i begun sales to people going to prepare lunch till 9pm when i close my business.
From this business,i am able to earn a profit of atleast ksh 600 per day.This helped me make some savings and also help my husband to pay some bills.Now that i have zidisha with me as
my financial supporter,i believe i will prospers considering my hardwork.
I thank you alot for your last loan.Today i come before you again asking for your hands in helping.
Once you fund me me this is how i am going to use it:-
-$150 i am going to deposit for kale supply.I have not been able to get a constant supplier because i lacked enough capital.By doing this i will be offered a discount and constant supply daily and thus a number one benefit from your loan.This will be enough for kale supply for one month.Earning me $50 profit.
-70 i will use to stock two trays of tomatoes of which i will sell in two weeks and expecting $20 profit in return.Sometimes if you dont stock tomotoes you end up selling nothing to your customers.For this loan my customers will have the tomatoes whenever they need them.
-$60 i will use to buy 5 sacks of potatoes onions,which i will sell for the whole two months expecting $40 in return.
-$100 i will use to buy garlic,orange,dania and bananas in small portion enough to sell daily.
-$70 i will buy one sack of irice potatoes and two sacks of charcoal for sale.
As you can see lending me means a lot.You will be helping my customers to get these products whenever they need arise and i will be getting profit that will improve my living standard.
Once i mamage this so well i will be expecting around profit of ksh 15000 to ksh 20000 as long as things are well.I will be managing my finace well and repay my loan as well with no problem
Buy kale, tomatoes, rice, potatoes, and onions to sell
I am Naomi Wangui Kabinge.I live in Uguja village in Homabay county.I am a wife to Mr.Peter Waithera.I am blessed with two childrens,a boy and a girl.Also i live with my late sisters childrens.She left me two sons after she died of AIDs ten years ago.
I am a p1 teacher but a long wait i have not been able to secure teaching job with the Government eight years since i graduated.After teaching in private school for a while i managed to save some little amount of capital and started a grocery.The businesa i now do with passion to date.
During my old days i did volunteer with st.john ambulence while in high school.Some years back i volunterily worked with jijue voluntery and counceling where we walked in several high schools teaching student awareness of AIDs.
I call myself an ambitious small business woman.I run a grocery in a "kibanda" shop.I sell kale(skuma wiki).The word 'skuma wiki' comes from swahili word mearning keep the week going.This names was given to kale because poor people would only afford kale throughout the week.I also sell tomatoes,onions,oranges,bananas,dania,garlic,irice potatoes and chacoal.
I sell this products to the local around here.My business always begun at 5 am where i rush to the main market to bring the fresh products to be sold during the day.At 11 am i begun sales to people going to prepare lunch till 9pm when i close my business.
From this business,i am able to earn a profit of atleast ksh 600 per day.This helped me make some savings and also help my husband to pay some bills.Now that i have zidisha with me as
my financial supporter,i believe i will prospers considering my hardwork.
I thank you alot for your last loan.Today i come before you again asking for your hands in helping.
Once you fund me me this is how i am going to use it:-
-$150 i am going to deposit for kale supply.I have not been able to get a constant supplier because i lacked enough capital.By doing this i will be offered a discount and constant supply daily and thus a number one benefit from your loan.This will be enough for kale supply for one month.Earning me $50 profit.
-70 i will use to stock two trays of tomatoes of which i will sell in two weeks and expecting $20 profit in return.Sometimes if you dont stock tomotoes you end up selling nothing to your customers.For this loan my customers will have the tomatoes whenever they need them.
-$60 i will use to buy 5 sacks of potatoes onions,which i will sell for the whole two months expecting $40 in return.
-$100 i will use to buy garlic,orange,dania and bananas in small portion enough to sell daily.
-$70 i will buy one sack of irice potatoes and two sacks of charcoal for sale.
As you can see lending me means a lot.You will be helping my customers to get these products whenever they need arise and i will be getting profit that will improve my living standard.
Once i mamage this so well i will be expecting around profit of ksh 15000 to ksh 20000 as long as things are well.I will be managing my finace well and repay my loan as well with no problem