My name is nanda leli saputri, my address is indralaya, ogan ilir, south sumatera, I am 5 brothers, child to 4. Starting from only having old motor as transportation for a day, karna old, motor often strike, make husband have to fix own because of the high price of the workshop if you have to back and forth into the workshop, based on personal experience and encouraged hobby husband took the initiative to make his own motorcycle workshop with the capital pas pasan, later when it is old, our son hope to continue this business.
My husband and I have a small motorcycle shop, we choose this business, based on the business and expertise of husbands in the field of motorcycles, the cost we need about 500rb and monthly turnover of approximately 2juta, the benefits of the workshop we use motorcycles for the cost of daily living, including children"s schools
I will buy tutoring supplies, buy stationery, pens, books, and other tools, hopefully afa will fund it, and the money will be useful for me and my students. Thank you.
Tutoring service
My name is nanda leli saputri, my address is indralaya, ogan ilir, south sumatera, I am 5 brothers, child to 4. Starting from only having old motor as transportation for a day, karna old, motor often strike, make husband have to fix own because of the high price of the workshop if you have to back and forth into the workshop, based on personal experience and encouraged hobby husband took the initiative to make his own motorcycle workshop with the capital pas pasan, later when it is old, our son hope to continue this business.
My husband and I have a small motorcycle shop, we choose this business, based on the business and expertise of husbands in the field of motorcycles, the cost we need about 500rb and monthly turnover of approximately 2juta, the benefits of the workshop we use motorcycles for the cost of daily living, including children"s schools
I will buy tutoring supplies, buy stationery, pens, books, and other tools, hopefully afa will fund it, and the money will be useful for me and my students. Thank you.