My names is thuranira hosea murungi, 32 born in meru, Kenya and currently living in Nairobi years old I have a degree in ICT and currently employed. I started this business to increase my income. My children want to be doctors
I supply milk to restaurants and big hotels. I choose this kind of business because of availability of folder in my home area and generally favourable climate. The income raised I mostly use it in school fees and reinvestment
I would increase my dairy farming by buying more cows and income raised I could use it for other development. For the family i would make sure my family eats healthy and go to good schools
For community I would do community development contributions
Dairy farming
My names is thuranira hosea murungi, 32 born in meru, Kenya and currently living in Nairobi years old I have a degree in ICT and currently employed. I started this business to increase my income. My children want to be doctors
I supply milk to restaurants and big hotels. I choose this kind of business because of availability of folder in my home area and generally favourable climate. The income raised I mostly use it in school fees and reinvestment
I would increase my dairy farming by buying more cows and income raised I could use it for other development. For the family i would make sure my family eats healthy and go to good schools
For community I would do community development contributions