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Clothing Sales

Inventory for clothing and shoe shop

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurLucyLocationBusia, Kenya
Project status
34%paid forward

am a kenyan lady from western kenya.I started doing small business wayback inorder for me to get some pocket money to buy books and pencils.where i live theres alot of business and also fishing taking place at lake children would like to be doctors when they grow hobby is travelling and visiting new places.

i get my income through selling chips and other food commodities and fruits.most commodities i get them across the border because they are cheaper so when i come to sell i get profit.this has really helped to boost my income and living standards has improved.the profits u get i use them to pay school fees for my children and buy them clothes i have even purchased furnitures gor my house through the prifits i receivef from the business last month my life has greatly improved and am so happy for that.

I would like to add stock for my business.I have opened a new branch near college,and there is high demand for trendy clothes like sweat pants,chiffon tops etc. I want to also venture in a new product which i have seen its highly demanded by the youths tgat is crocs .So for me to keep up with other business people like me i have to have enough stock so that whenever my customers visit the shop ,they have to get what they require. That's why i was requesting for the loan to restock my shop.The place i have rented the rents are also quite high being is a place with alot of demand ,so if i have enough stock i know ,i will be able to pay my rent with no delays.