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John DoeJ
EntrepreneurFlorenceLocationNandi, Kenya
Project status
5%paid forward

My name is Florence Chepkemoi from Nandi county.I was born in the year 1982 at Olessos village.I grew up from my village until I finished my education.

I am married and have three children,all are boys,their names are Vincent Kibet,Maxwel Kiprop and Betwel Kipruto.

My house is found in Suswa town.I live in Chelimo estates but my business is in town opposite Edgar Filling station.My business shop is named as FLORENCE FASHIONS.

Hardship that I came through is that I lost my husband while my children were in different schools,the challenge came and my business has not grown enough to provide me with enough school fees,so it was hard for me because I had to search for school fees and yet I had no job.But because I was a church member, my church members assisted me to raise school fees for my children and top up my business.

I started my business after my husband sold some cows we had for school fees and to give me capital to start my business to boost me assist the other hand in paying school fees.He gave me a capital of 50000kes to start my business.

Our land and culture in our community is very conducive and adaptable to everyone.The climate is good since the weather is warm and wet.Our land produces good harvests in farming.

My children are working hard in their different schools to achieve in future.My children want to have happily future.They have different careers.My first born want to be engeneer, second born want to be a pilot and third born want to be a doctor.

My favourite hobbies are reading story books, assisting people with disabilities like washing their clothes and playing together, visiting the sicks and going to church during church service.

I named my business as FLORENCE FASHIONS,I used my name because it was well famous.

My business deals with selling of clothes,shoes and wigs.I do do sometimes provide service of braiding because I have skills.

I have skills and knowledge in business which made me to run this business.I decided to do this business because in my town there was no business like this and so I chose to run this business.

The cost I used to start this business was 50000kes which I used them to pay rent, transportation and buy goods.Currently the cost of my business is 80000kes and I still need more capital to expand it. I did a budget and found that I need an amount of 200000kes in my business in order to earn more profits of 15000kes per month.

The profits I Will earn in my business will help me alots, especially assisting people with disabilities in my community, paying school for my children, assisting vulnerable families, improves my daily living standards and reinvest in my business.

Thank you for giving me this chance to post my request.The loan has fully supported me to expand my business and earns more profits which assisted during festive season.I used my profits to buy clothes to my children and also buy clothes for children from vulnerable families.Now my budget is that I want to use the loan to buy school socks, trousers,blouses, tracksuits, sportshoes and bedsheets.Thank you.