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Clothing Sales

Second-hand clothing sales

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurBeatriceLocationKeiyo, Kenya
Project status
Disbursedon February 28, 2025

My name is Beatrice siele. I was born and brought up from the village called in Keiyo county Mengit sub county in the year 1985. I am the first born from the family of six children.I came from humble background.

I am married and hails in Mengit town doing my business there.My house and business shop are found on the same estate called Kimolel Estate, I named my business as Ropgaa Fashions and Boutique.

Furthermore, because my parents were not able to raise school fees for me,I just only completed primary education and I didn't further my education.

The very big challenge and hardship I went through is that, after I dropped out from school,life became difficult for me because my parents wanted me to get married at an early age and so I accepted because there was no any other option. After getting married life also was not stable, but I request my husband to allow me search for any job and she accepted my request.I was given a job as a housemaid by my neighbour.I did the Job for sometimes and saving the money.

I started my business after I had saved some amount of money costing 50000kes.I decided that I should start my business because the salary I was getting was not enough for me to pay school fees,feed my family and do investments.

My land and culture is beautiful to our community and visitors, it's adaptable to any person.My land can fit farming and business.The climate is also good.aThe wether is cool and wet.

I have four children, my first born is in Kabarak University pursuing her Bachelor's degree in Education, second born is in secondary school and he also wants to be a teacher, third born is also in secondary school and she want to be a nurse and my lastborn is in primary school and he wants to be an engineer.

My favourite hobbies are visiting orphans, play guitar and going to church on Sundays.

My business is called Ropgaa Fashions and Boutique.

In my business I do sells clothes and shoes.I do sells clothes for adults and children.

This business is very useful for me because it can give me more profits.I do sells clothes and shoes with high quality which attracts more customers.

This business is my best option because I did a research and found that most of the people in our community were going long distance markets to buy clothes and shoes, so I decided to open this business home because of many customers.

Starting of my business,I used the total cost of 50000kes I have collected from my previous job. I started sending mitumba clothes from Nairobi and sells at home until I open my shop and go Nairobi by myself to buy clothes and shoes.

The profits in my business I am using them to pay school fees for my children, assist the needy,buy clothes for orphans, do improvements at home and do investments.

I will use the funds to buy more goods especially mitumba because they have high market since they are not expensive and affordable to all people.I will mitumba clothes for children in large quantity because I have seen that children's clothes earns me more profits,they have demand.I will also buy new fashions for adults and children.Mostly I will buy jeans for men and skirt suits for ladies and dresses for children.