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Food Retail

Buy cooking appliances for my hotel

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurBedanLocationNgariga, Kenya
Project status
2%paid forward

I am a young Kenyan businessman who runs a small fruits kiosk located in Ngarariga town. I finished my o-levels in 2007 and decided to delve in the world of business so that I can try make something out of my young life. I am an open minded person who is always eager to try my hand in various opportunities that life presents me.

It is this same desire for success that made me set up a business, though small as the rate of unemployment is relatively high in my my country especially amongst the youth.I am a firm believer in hard work and I believe with resilience you can make a difference not only in your life but the lives of those surrounding you as well. I Hope to transform the way I live by making positive contributions to the society.

I have been in this business for slightly over an year and I have managed to establish a loyal customer base. I source my fruits from the Kawangware market which is located in the outskirts of the capital city Nairobi. My business is open every day save for Sundays when I attend church.

I have, like indicated above been in business for slightly over an year. There has been an influx of people working in the capital city and other neighboring towns like Limuru coming to seek for cheap houses in Ngarariga. This has seen a rise in the number of customers seeking to consume fresh fruits as a part of healthy living.

I make at least $35 (Kshs 3000) a week from the sales of my fruits. This translates to $ 140(12,000) a month. I am in an urgent need of funds to help me expand my business more so buying a blender to start making fresh juices in addition to selling the fruits.This will help increase my revenue I am intending to apply a loan to fund the same through zidisha.


Bedan Waweru

Hello Lenders,

It me once again. I run a hotel and want to venture into serving traditional African foods. Few hotels here serve traditional foods and that's what motivated me to take that route.

I need to buy cooking appliances including pots, a new stove and also some plates to serve the food. A large pot goes for about $50 and I intend to buy two. A stove will cost me around $250 . I will use $50 to buy additional plates, sufurias and spoons. I will use the rest of the loan to purchase a couple of chairs and raw food items.

I will service the loan using the proceeds from my fruits business and the hotel. I have committed to pay $50 every week to that effect. Looking forward to your support.

Many thanks
