My name is Abigael Cherono. I hails in Embakasi village in Nairobi.I was born in the year 1992 in Nakuru county village called Keringet. I grew up in my village county untill I completed my education.
Currently I live in Embakasi village in Nairobi at my own house where I got married to.I am living with my husband and children.My house is found opposite KEMSA,Messi Estate room no.4F.
I am happily married and have three children.I also adopted two children from my community who lost their parents when they were young.I decided to adopt those children to keep like my children.So, currently I have five children.
Hardship and Challenges I came through is that when I lost my father at the age of five years,it was hard for my mother to cater school fees for us because she had no job.I was raised by single mother who was jobless.
Despite the challenges I went through,I was able to get education and complete BSc in an Agricultural Extension.My mother struggled hard to cater school fees for me with the help of my community. After I completed my university education,it was hard for me to get job but I decided to do dairy farming and vegetables farming.
I started my business after I got married. I saw that it is not good for me to stay idle,and I ask my husband to buy me a cow for milk to help me start my business.I was able to get a cow of milk for 50000kes.
In my cultural land,the weather is warm and wet suitable for farming and keeping dairy farming.Keeping of dairy farming and growing of crops can make well in our land.
I have five children including the two I adopted.One of the adopted children is pursuing her Degree in BSc in Education from University of Kenyatta, the other one is in Secondary school.My first and second born are in different Secondary schools while my last born is in Primary school.So the total children I have in Secondary school are three.My two children wants to be Teachers when they grow up,one want to be engeneerer and two want to be doctors.
I love visiting orphans children to make them happy,I like visiting prisoners to give them advice,I like reading the Bible and going to church on Sundays
I named my business as ABY DAIRY FARM.
I do keep dairy farming,I bought cows for milk do which I supply to different centers in Nairobi.I also do vegetables farming do which I supplies to different sides in town.
I like doing this types of business because it earns me more profits.The cows and vegetables provide me with alot of benefits.Farming is also my professional career,and so I have experience and skills.
I started my business by buying a dairy cow of milk for 40000kes which was giving 5 litres per day,and I was selling 1l for 60kes.I kept saving the money until I bought another heifer for 25000kes which is expecting now.
I am happily growing my business to make sure I receive more benefits from my farming.I am using my profits in my business to pay school fees for my children,to help orphans and vulnerable families because I understand about their challenges which I came through, build my good house, build houses for homeless people and buy a piece of land.
I will use the funds to buy a cow and animal feeds.I am buying another cow because I sold one cow which was not producing more milk,and so I will top up the amount I have so that I will buy a good one for 600000kes. I also use the funds to purchase animals feed and extend their sheds.The cows have assisted me alots by giving me more milk to sells and earns profits.They have assisted the community too because they get milk for me.I always assist vulnerable families and orphans to give them milk everyday at evening.I have earned more profits through selling milk which have improved my standards of living.
Buy a dairy cow
My name is Abigael Cherono. I hails in Embakasi village in Nairobi.I was born in the year 1992 in Nakuru county village called Keringet. I grew up in my village county untill I completed my education.
Currently I live in Embakasi village in Nairobi at my own house where I got married to.I am living with my husband and children.My house is found opposite KEMSA,Messi Estate room no.4F.
I am happily married and have three children.I also adopted two children from my community who lost their parents when they were young.I decided to adopt those children to keep like my children.So, currently I have five children.
Hardship and Challenges I came through is that when I lost my father at the age of five years,it was hard for my mother to cater school fees for us because she had no job.I was raised by single mother who was jobless.
Despite the challenges I went through,I was able to get education and complete BSc in an Agricultural Extension.My mother struggled hard to cater school fees for me with the help of my community. After I completed my university education,it was hard for me to get job but I decided to do dairy farming and vegetables farming.
I started my business after I got married. I saw that it is not good for me to stay idle,and I ask my husband to buy me a cow for milk to help me start my business.I was able to get a cow of milk for 50000kes.
In my cultural land,the weather is warm and wet suitable for farming and keeping dairy farming.Keeping of dairy farming and growing of crops can make well in our land.
I have five children including the two I adopted.One of the adopted children is pursuing her Degree in BSc in Education from University of Kenyatta, the other one is in Secondary school.My first and second born are in different Secondary schools while my last born is in Primary school.So the total children I have in Secondary school are three.My two children wants to be Teachers when they grow up,one want to be engeneerer and two want to be doctors.
I love visiting orphans children to make them happy,I like visiting prisoners to give them advice,I like reading the Bible and going to church on Sundays
I named my business as ABY DAIRY FARM.
I do keep dairy farming,I bought cows for milk do which I supply to different centers in Nairobi.I also do vegetables farming do which I supplies to different sides in town.
I like doing this types of business because it earns me more profits.The cows and vegetables provide me with alot of benefits.Farming is also my professional career,and so I have experience and skills.
I started my business by buying a dairy cow of milk for 40000kes which was giving 5 litres per day,and I was selling 1l for 60kes.I kept saving the money until I bought another heifer for 25000kes which is expecting now.
I am happily growing my business to make sure I receive more benefits from my farming.I am using my profits in my business to pay school fees for my children,to help orphans and vulnerable families because I understand about their challenges which I came through, build my good house, build houses for homeless people and buy a piece of land.
I will use the funds to buy a cow and animal feeds.I am buying another cow because I sold one cow which was not producing more milk,and so I will top up the amount I have so that I will buy a good one for 600000kes. I also use the funds to purchase animals feed and extend their sheds.The cows have assisted me alots by giving me more milk to sells and earns profits.They have assisted the community too because they get milk for me.I always assist vulnerable families and orphans to give them milk everyday at evening.I have earned more profits through selling milk which have improved my standards of living.