My name is Patricia Kaluwe a teacher by profession and am 27 years old. I started my primary school in Kabwe town and completed my secondary education at Kabwe Secondary School. Having completed my secondary course with excellent grades or points, I was awarded a scholarship to study a bachelors degree at Eden University to study business management. My ambition as a girl child is to empower my community with business skills to help them become their own business.. Therefore, my passion is to set up my business education Centre to develop many people in our country especially the vulnerable children and those with any trade from school to enhance development for the country and improve the lives of our people. Zambia is a beautiful country rich in natural resources like the famous Victorious Falls in Livingstone town, Mambilima Falls and Musonda falls, traditional ceremonies like Ncwala in Eastern Province of Zambia, Mutomboko ceremony of the Luapula people and many other cultural dances practiced by our people make our land really unique and attracts foreign investments in the country. My hobby is cooking, travelling and watching various sports activities.
I have a shoe business in the central business of town. I sell school shoe for boys and girls and also assorted men's smart, slippers, shoes and ladies shoes. I have been running this business for 4 years now. Looking at how youths suffer, who have completed school suffer to look for jobs and vulnerable children from poor families. It has come to my attention to build a business center to empower the youths in my community with business skills. It is my greatest passion to see to it that my fellow youths have something to do and can put food on the table. To build this business center in our community I need over K 100,000.00 to buy building blocks, cement, quarry dust or crushed stones. In addition to that I need at least K 45,000.00 to pay the bricklayers to construct this business center in our community that will impact the youths with many skills among them and how to start their own business, skills to sell and managing a business or in short how to become a good entrepreneur and grow the business.
Besides my business I have discovered that opening this business Centre will help me generate more extra income to support the growth of my business and employ more youths
The funds am raising I need to build a shop for my business. This is because of high rentals where am renting currently.My profits are being effected due to high rentals, electricity and water bills, hence I need to build an own which will help me now to generate more income to invest more in my clothing business and help improve the living standard of family.
Building a business shop
My name is Patricia Kaluwe a teacher by profession and am 27 years old. I started my primary school in Kabwe town and completed my secondary education at Kabwe Secondary School. Having completed my secondary course with excellent grades or points, I was awarded a scholarship to study a bachelors degree at Eden University to study business management. My ambition as a girl child is to empower my community with business skills to help them become their own business.. Therefore, my passion is to set up my business education Centre to develop many people in our country especially the vulnerable children and those with any trade from school to enhance development for the country and improve the lives of our people. Zambia is a beautiful country rich in natural resources like the famous Victorious Falls in Livingstone town, Mambilima Falls and Musonda falls, traditional ceremonies like Ncwala in Eastern Province of Zambia, Mutomboko ceremony of the Luapula people and many other cultural dances practiced by our people make our land really unique and attracts foreign investments in the country. My hobby is cooking, travelling and watching various sports activities.
I have a shoe business in the central business of town. I sell school shoe for boys and girls and also assorted men's smart, slippers, shoes and ladies shoes. I have been running this business for 4 years now. Looking at how youths suffer, who have completed school suffer to look for jobs and vulnerable children from poor families. It has come to my attention to build a business center to empower the youths in my community with business skills. It is my greatest passion to see to it that my fellow youths have something to do and can put food on the table. To build this business center in our community I need over K 100,000.00 to buy building blocks, cement, quarry dust or crushed stones. In addition to that I need at least K 45,000.00 to pay the bricklayers to construct this business center in our community that will impact the youths with many skills among them and how to start their own business, skills to sell and managing a business or in short how to become a good entrepreneur and grow the business.
Besides my business I have discovered that opening this business Centre will help me generate more extra income to support the growth of my business and employ more youths
The funds am raising I need to build a shop for my business. This is because of high rentals where am renting currently.My profits are being effected due to high rentals, electricity and water bills, hence I need to build an own which will help me now to generate more income to invest more in my clothing business and help improve the living standard of family.