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Accounting degree tuition fee

John DoeJ
EntrepreneurEdwinLocationRuai, Kenya
Project status
26%paid forward

I am a first born in a family of four 2sister and one brother.i grew up in central kenya where i attended my primary education before i came to Nairobi for high school (O level)learning.Thats where i lives now from then.i have done accounting course which am still pursuing a degree course.I have a family wife , one daughter who is now almost 5 years and a currently working as an accountant.During my free time i do farming.I also together with other former college mates offer accounting and auditing services.Kindly you can visit our page

This is my Fifth Loan and I would like to thanks all lenders who had led me before and all Zidisha fraternity in general for this noble duty you are doing.I utilized the first loan by purchasing of three accounts revision guide books.The second loan I purchased laptop and modem so that I can be accessing all assignemnt anytime and anywhere.This saved me a lot because I no longer have to go to cyber cafes which are expensive and regulation of opening and closing hours.

The third and fouth loan I used it to cater for my tuition fees .This has helped me a lot since there are no inconveniences of being sent out because of fees.

Now am appealing to lenders once again for a fifth loan.This loan I intend to pay my 4th year(Last year of the course) remaining semesters tuition fee.Am now left only with two semesters to finish the whole degree course.The two semesters tuition fee is approximately $1,098(dollars) and $122 for research(project) which is usually done at the end of the course.If my loan is funded I will be able to add together with my saving so that I can be able to pay the full fees and thus I will not be inconvenienced during the period.This last semesters requires a lot of commitment and hard work.

I am currently employed as an accountant in a company that is doing well in the transport industry and hence if given a loan i would be able and comfortably be able to repay it when due.Also I get some money by working as freelance accountant by offering auditing and other services as available at our

Additional from the farming though not commercial one i can still sell some produce and get money to repay the same.

Thanking you in advance.

Thanks Lenders for the support you have been extending to us.

You are enabling us to do what would be difficult or otherwise undo able.

This Loan will go towards payment of my University degree course tuition fees.

I will add from my own saving and pay the tuition fee.

This will leave me with a peace of mind to concentrate with my studies.

I t will also help top cater for other personal bills like paying for my kid school fees.

Thanks so much as am anticipating for your generous help.