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Stock bags & accessories

Hi Lenders,
Hope you are well. My stock is coming this week and am so excited!! I managed to find some very trendy bags and I have a lot to write about the new styles in clothing and accessories.
Enjoy the rest of the week.

Buy new photocopier, colour printer & three computers

Special thanks to all my Lenders who are helping to make me successful in my business and also making my dream be a reality,in fact I cherished you all!!

Create a stock of animal feed to expand my farming business

Dear lenders,
The animals are grazing in the village and kept in good health. Livestock busines was profitable this year in Niger with the feast of Aïd El Kebir when Muslims sacrificed sheep. The only one ram among my animals was sold and the money used to purchase another sheep for breeding to grow the business. It is good to see that my earnings are increasing as the number of animals keeps growing now to seven all female sheep. I will plan to buy a reproduction ram in two months time.
Thanks to Zidisha lenders for partnering with me in this exciting business life.

Purchasing ink for Canon and Epson printers

Stock of Ink and Cartridges.

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stok tinta dan kartrit

Purchasing ink for Canon and Epson printers

ini warnet

Purchasing ink for Canon and Epson printers

ini tokonya

Purchasing ink for Canon and Epson printers

ini warnet dan toko

Inventory of bananas for market stall

Dear lenders, I hope it is well with you. I am doing fine and I thank God for the gift of life.
Out of the 12, 3-week old chicks that I bought eleven ( 11 ) have survived to date. One chick got stuck in the wire mesh at night a week ago and I found it dead the following day. The remaining eleven are doing well. I shall send you a photo soon.
The ten ( 10 ) 1-month old chicks that I bought are all surviving and I thank God for that.
The three ( 3 ) 3- month old layers are also doing well. Very soon I shall start having eggs from them.
Unfortunately the calf that is in my profile photo died after having been hit by some naughty boys outside my gate. I have forgiven them.
I thank you all for the great assistance you gave me through zidisha loan.

Fees for final-year exams for my Bachelor's degree

my business has been doing so well in the past few weeks as we went home for a short holiday until January.this has prompted me to increase the is easier doing my business alone as i find time to socialize with customers and convince them to purchase the shirts.My brother is doing his final examinations and my next project would be selling plastics eg basins,jugs,plates and others which bare of demand at my home area.He will be in charge of the shop and I am sure it will grow to a huge family business thanks to zidisha

Inventory of new clothes for men, women & children

my business has grown ever since, i have expanded the exterior of my shop to have a wide display of the clothes i sell. this achievement has also my family's life, one of my son has graduated from university and two of them i have managed to take them to college to further their studies. My utmost appreciation to you my lender EVNIPA and the entire zidisha family.

Set up a web-design and tutorial centre

With my previous loan I was able to do a lot. Now I have got an office space that is being rented out and I will be glad to put up my tutorial center there. Thanks to all my lenders for making this possible.

Repairing my leaky roof

when the loan was disbursed i decidedtohit the ground running, so iboght the materialsneededfor the construction to begin even though the actual costs have been slightly higher i am right on schedule.

Buy new photocopier, colour printer & three computers

Busy at work, thanks to generous Lenders.

Printing brochures to spread awareness of our school

Hi Jan 73,
Thank you so much for the compliment.
Well currently I will not be able to send you the brochure but as soon as they are developed I will post it on this profile.Is it ok with you?
Happy to know you would love to know more about the school.
How did you learn of my previous involvement with Sunrise of Africa Schools.I would love to know.Well we aren't affiliated with Sunrise of Africa Schools at now.They were my employer for three years(2010-2013) until they retrenched us last year 2013 dissolving the campus at Waithaka which was on a rented tin structures.From here it's where I took charge of the rented premises and progressed with running the institution with the help of 5 other people.
The students are 2 years to 15years.For more information kindly visit our young website thedreameducationcentre.wee...
Thank you

Fence a new play field and purchase a computer for my school

Dear Lenders, I'm glad to report that we managed to fence the field and set up the swimming pool and we also bought a refurbished desktop computer and printer with the loan amount I got.

We are now able to print out kids' worksheets and they can now swim once the weather becomes favorable.
Thanks to all the lenders for your generosity.

Printer and laptop to enable me work home more conveniently

I must state that currently i am living a more comfortable life thanks to Zidisha. My motivation has always been to borrow and pay on time to enable the money i am provided with circulate to other needy potential borrowers. I am confident that through the Zidisha platform, I will finally become financially stable by building an adequate business empire.

Rental premises for my cereals business

I love my neighborhood as all of us know each other and my customer base Is significantly drawn from my neighbors who believe in me and my abilities

Expansion of my home supplies shop

I thank the lenders and zidisha for fully funding my loan. On the arrival of my loan, as I wait for it to be disbursed, I will be able to expand my shop and make it more attractive than before. Whenever my customers ask about when I am going to start the expansion I happily tell them it will start within this week when my loan is disbursed by zidisha. I say thank you once again. In my language we say Nyeyiwaladon

To add 4 computers and speed printer to my cybercafe

Dear all Lenders,
It is a new a day for me to thank you for all this time for your great support and I salute David Henning (Client manager for Zidisha in Kenya) for his time who visited my business here in Kenya-Kisii on Jul 21, 2014. For the last two weeks my business has been doing well which was a good remarkable that yesterday I decided to accomplish on my repayments to enable me to post for my third loan which will enable me to add more computers to my business and also to come up with a waiver in my business which Most of my customers are after for. Actually thanks a lot and this is how I have used my first loan and second loan: For the first loan I added a stock to my shop, from the sales of my shop which was usually being operated by my wife I used the savings to buy three computers and I settled my cyber cafe with three computers and waited for my loan which I had applied with all hopes that it will be successful and I awaited for only three days to realize that my application of USD 311 was successful and I used the money as I promised to add two computers and Add high speed at the same time add Skype equipment to my cyber cafe of which I did indeed thanks a lot. Friday yesterday, I was done over my repayments and now I wish to apply for the third loan. Kindly am asking you all my lenders to fund it and hopefully it will go all well with my business because it is wonderfully growing.
Thank you all zidisha.
And God bless you.

Help me purchase more new computers

I am very busy in my computer room teaching my students

Money Transfers & Electronic Refills


Give my spare-parts business a boost

thank you Zidisha lenders and the entire team for the good work. i used my current loan to purchase spares e.g , metering valve s , liners and blades etc injector pump accessories. At least i dont source the spares from another shop when we get work in our garage. and that has helped maximize on the profits which has helped me in paying my rent on time and the children school fees. we are also able to start saving a significant amount of money as we prepare for our daughter who will be joining high school in 2016.

Irrigation pipes, fertililzers and pesticides for large-scale tomato farm

i have had good harvest from my tomato farm and therefore wish to reschedule my loan to clear the balance.I must admit that Zidisha family is amazing for what they did to me is beyond my words can express.It's amazing how strangers trust strangers and the only way i can honor that move is by clearing what i owe them. I am now set for a bigger project coming season and it's all because of you guys.The little you gave me has turned my income into a more stable one.Thanks to Zidisha family.God bless you abundantly

Improvement of my bee farming

am grateful to the entire zidisha team mostly lenders coz the volume of our construction ability for bio gas digesters has increased and we can finance half the construction materials for farmers

Carp-hatchery operations

this is my fishpond

To add 4 computers and speed printer to my cybercafe

Due to the wonderful increment profits in my cyber cafe I have seen it necessary to repay off my loans in time to enable me post for my third loan in time to make good plans for up coming next year so as my business will catch better. For instance in a day I used to make a profit of USD 30 but nowadays my profit is going beyond USD 49 per day which I think is good money to cater for myself and even to repay off my loans.
Thanks a lot and I hope you will understand for this good situation that has arises towards me.

For direct sales of second-hand clothes in an open market

evry day is a brand new day to my store,having in mind that this was the help of zidisha that keeps me going. what seamed like a dream to me now i live to expellience even more.i just bought a new umprella to cover my cloths from rains and strong rays of the sun.thanks to my lenders hop to fly.

Inventory for potatoes for restaurant

My husband and i are also expecting a baby,so this time i will be able to provide for my babys needs without problems thank you lenders for your amazing support.Now that i have been able to log in i will post photos in the evening...Thank you so much Zidisha

Printing brochures to spread awareness of our school

Thank you for all the wonderful photos of the students!

I would love to know more about your school! Can you share a photo of your new brochure? Are you affiliated with Sunrise of Africa schools? What ages are the students?

Computer project worth $300

Hi zidisha
thanks so far since i was able to get a job for Miss Corporate World Nakuru beauty contest

Funds to boost my farming of red onions

This is a special dedication to my lenders, I would like you to know that I spent my loan fund to construct a nice brooding house for my chicks and separated them from grownup chickens, since then I am able to raise more chicks than there before and healthy ones.
My earnings has also gone up due to increase in eggs productions, which I have used part of the funds to start a small cloths kiosk. I will be uploading a photo for these development soon for you to witness how you have assisted me to improve my livelihood.

Once again am humbled to recognize this slim opportunity that was given by my benevolent lenders, I will not let you and your effort down.


School bags and shoe sales

hi here are some of the dreses am selling am also delivering them to pple at their homes once they call me they get my photos in facebook where i do advertiusement

M-Pesa sub-agent dealer

Zidisha 3 months later

M-Pesa sub-agent dealer

Look at how my cow named Zidisha has grown in just 3 months, thanks to my Lenders am on course and remain focused.

Computer supplies for my cybercafe

Hi to everyone. It has been long since we've talked but am just okay as usual and in business. I want to surprise everyone this morning who believed in me and my business. fast I want to thank you all my lenders for what you do for me every time i post my loan proposal which you believe in me and my business by funding it. Ialso want to encourage anyone who want to join the Zidisha to join because anything you dreamt of in your life will happen while on this place. I also want to let you; my lenders and everyone who reads and follows what i do with the loan funds i get from Zidisha that; with you loan funds you have made me within a short period of time expand my Computer Services business by buying more items and hence brought in more customers which have increased my daily savings and capital. I have also been able to open a new Retail Shop within this short period of time (opened on 24th August, 2014) just about 1Km from where my Computer shop is located within Luanda Town. The shop is really doing amazing which i didn't expect, it started with more customers yet it is still new. I have also realized that your support towards my business all this time came with a lot of blessings which i praise the Almighty Living God all the time for uniting me and you people at Zidisha. You have also taught me something that i didn't have with me; (Responsibility) which enables me and also guides me in each and everything i do since i received your loan funds. You have also encouraged me to be working hard each day i woke up. My retail shop is doing good in that it is enabling me to repay my loan at a faster rate than i used to pay before. This is so because of you people and no one else. I really thank you so much for your kind and generous support you have given me all this time and may you continue being blessed in all you do at all times. You have brought a big change in my life and in my business. Now i have got two shops; computer shop and a Retail Shop which i manage by myself. I always pray for you people every time and you continue being with that heart of assisting. Good day and once again thank you.

Finishing construction of my own shop

* i purchased more clothes that made me to move from retail to a whole sale business.
* The purchase made much difference as i moved from retail to a whole sale business, more client got increased and hence more sales
* My business income has increased from US DOLLAR 227.22 Net profit monthly up to us dollar 318.18 Net profit monthly.
* From the increased earnings, i used US DOLLAR 56.81 for business, i added more clothes, i kept US DOLLAR 22.72 in my bank account as a savings, while US DOLLAR 11.36 i used it to buy new house hold- coffee table for my guests.
* Since the business has expanded , i added more staffs the child of my neighbor, hence promoting their income.

Construction of brooder

Hi. My thanks to those who have lend me money so far. Last time, after the purchase of extra infra red lights and feeding equipment, i increased the stock to 300. with that my profits went up by 50%. Where i was getting 18,000 (200$ appx) per every bird batch, i am now earning close to 27,000Kshs( 300$). With this money, i decided to increase my stock further.
So now, i need a separate brooding area to allow te main chicken coop to be used strictly for rearing chicken. That way, i can manage to raise them in a cycle, where i have new chicks every 3 weeks. This move, i believe will bring my profits up by over 70%!!!
I am an excellent manager of both my projects, and a keen eye for business. it is how i managed to pay my loan on time without any hassles, because of planning, and i am positive it will still be the same this round.
Much appreciation, Zidisha Family!!! Be Blessed, good people!!!

Catfish & eel farming

thanks zidisha team has trust in me in giving loans to catfish farming, these results give me a loan that you use to buy the catfish seed. hopefully I can work together with you for ever ..

Making & selling clothing

This is the result of a loan zidisha I earn and I will be growing bigger as I expected. and I will finish it later .. The proof of the results of the loan ..

Another greenhouse for my farm

Watering my farm ,courtesy of the loan.Thanks lenders

Another greenhouse for my farm

I can now spray my farm to keep diseases at bay

A new motorbike to boost my courier business

Got my first Zidisha loan today. I am very elated!!! Thank you for this opportunity. Let the work begin.

Computer project worth $300

hi zidisha ,
thanks to your support,i have been able to buy another camera and recruted another person to help me in my job

For direct sales of second-hand clothes in an open market

Anther one,my excitement has no end.

For direct sales of second-hand clothes in an open market

Hi to all my zidisha family and to my lenders,Ifact i cant regret having joined this institution i have been having a successful repayment of my loan without difficulties because i choose a reasonable amount to pay and appropriate duration and i can clear all my bills and afford meals with my lovely daughter at the same time saving a little as i pay my loan.I cant wait to see my business grow to a big multi-profit zone.All this is thanks to my lenders and zidisha family at large.Two more installments and my loan will be cleared.I hope to increase my income tremendously next time.Happy to be linked with zidisha family.

Expansion of my home supplies shop

my neighbors are asking me what is actually putting smiles on my face everyday and i tell them zidisha and her wonderful lenders make my dreams come through, even my dad has started asking of how to even join this platform to service his broken down taxi cab and i tell him to join us at anytime thank you lenders am highly grateful

Buy a toolbox for my repair work

I am now approaching the end of my loan repayment and I must say it has been a good experience. I was given this loan towards the end of March this year and it has been of great help to me. I had no prior experience of borrowing credit due to strict and hard to meet conditions set by local lenders. Initially I was a bit sceptical about Zidisha because I thought it was a hoax or maybe they have other hidden charges. I was pleasantly surprised that I was wrong. Not only did I get my money within a very short time, but I realized there were no hidden charges.

I have paid my loan faithfully for the last 6 months and I am now planning to apply for a second loan as soon I finish the current one. I will remain faithful to my lenders and I believe with your support, I will move my business to great heights.

Help me teach and sell my transcription service

I would like to reschedule my loan. I'm expanding my business by opening a training college and due to the expansion I will take a short break as funds will be channeled to the expansion phase and once I've finished setting up the training center I will proceed with the repayments. The training center I am opening will be operational in three weeks time and will help educate and empower youths to be able to do transcription jobs from home and be able to earn some income.

Goats for the Christmas festivals

Hello everyone, I am very much greatful to the great zidisha flaternity for the great wonderful things you have done mostly changing the lives of many around the world and mostly here in Kenya. I am one of the beneficiarys of these loans having received my second loan on mid June this year ,this has made my business to climb another level on terms of profits and by this I have been able to get approximately 20% more profits making it possible for me to pay my bills and take care of my family without any problems, I have also identified other areas that I am willing to invest and I am making the plans to add more income. Below is a photo of some of the simcards that I purchased with my last loan and keep on repurchasing since they have very good profits.
Iam a very happy man thanks to Ms Julia kurnia for this great platform the technical team that makes sure that the system is smooth and working ,the staff who volunteer their precious time for the success of this platform, Zidisha lenders who trust us with their money to see us succeed in our projects, the zidisha VMS who volunteer their time for the success of this great platform and also all the trustworthy borrowers who make sure they honour their agreements.
I love you more dear friends.

Rabbit and strawberry business expansion

Here are some of my farm's photo's.