Home egg business


Banjar, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

December 2017

On-time repayments

30 installments  •  100%

About Me

My name is Deddy Hidayat My first child from 2 brothers I am husband of 1 wife and father of 1 son 3 years old My last education Bachelor of Economics at STIEI Banjarmasin My main job is an Account Officer at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Tbk) Martapura branch of South Kalimantan In 2015 I have experienced tricked in financial mishap by my friend alone, the total loss we 100juta more it could make our family life a little influential but me and wife keep the spirit and try to get up with making a new field of business namely chicken eggs agent for south Kalimantan martapura region. Praise gratitude slowly but surely we bs rise and improve the economy kelaurga because business in this field is the prospect that sales increasingly long increasing and of course also requires a lot of capital. Loan from zidisha one who helped me in running this business, hopefully in the future I can continue to maintain the trust that has been given zidisha team to my home egg business I have

My Business

Besides my main job as Account Officer at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Tbk) my side business is as Telor Agent in martapura region and surrounding area Revenue from my salary as an employee of BUMN Bank (Basic Salary) in 1 month is Rp. 10.000.000 / bulan Turnover of my business in 1 month at least (minimum) ranges Rp. 300.000.000 with a minimum profit of 10% of the total monthly turnover I choose this chicken egg business because it is considered very prospective Profit from my business / business I use in addition to personal needs (education of children) as well as for the business turnaround that I have to continue to add my capital so that someday I can become the largest teloretic agent in my region

Loan Proposal

to help the rotation in my home egg business then I want to build trust by establishing this online loan cooperation (starting from the initial limit according to existing provisions) may we bs be a partner who keep each other committed in relation to this online loan

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About Me

Nama saya Deddy Hidayat
Saya anak pertama dari 2 bersaudara
Saya suami dari 1 istri dan ayah dari 1 putra berumur 3 tahun
Pendidikan terakhir saya Sarjana Ekonomi di STIEI Banjarmasin

Pekerjaan utama saya adalah seorang Account Officer di PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Tbk) kantor cabang Martapura Kalimantan Selatan

Pada tahun 2015 saya pernah mengalami musibah ditipu dalam hal keuangan oleh teman sendiri, total kerugian kami 100juta lebih hal tersebut sempat membuat kehidupan keluarga kami sedikit berpengaruh tetapi saya dan istri tetap semangat dan berusaha bangkit dengan membuat usaha dibidang baru yaitu agen telor ayam untuk wilayah martapura kalimantan selatan. Puji syukur perlahan tapi pasti kami bs bangkit dan memperbaiki ekonomi kelaurga karna bisnis dibidang ini sangat lah prospek sehingga penjualan makin lama makin meningkat dan tentunya juga membutuhkan modal yg tidak sedikit. Pinjaman dari zidisha salah satu yg membantu saya dalam menjalankan usaha ini, semoga kedepannya saya bisa terus menjaga kepercayaan yg sudah diberikan tim zidisha terhadap usaha rumah telor yang saya miliki ini

My Business

Selain pekerjaan utama saya sebagai Account Officer di PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Tbk) usaha sampingan yang saya milliki adalah sebagai Agen Telor diwilayah martapura dan sekitarnya

Pendapatan dari Gaji saya sebagai karyawan Bank BUMN (Gaji pokok) dalam 1 bulan sebesar Rp. 10.000.000/bulan

Omzet usaha saya dalam 1 bulan paling sedikit ( minimal ) berkisar Rp. 300.000.000 dengan keuntungan minimal 10% dari total omzet bulanan

Saya memilih bisnis Telor ayam ini karna dinilai sangat prospek

Keuntungan dari bisnis / usaha saya ini saya pergunakan selain untuk keperluan pribadi (pendidikan anak) juga untuk perputaran bisnis yang saya miliki ini untuk terus menambah modal saya sehingga suatu saat nanti bisa menjadi agen telor terbesar diwilayah saya

Loan Proposal

untuk membantu perputaran dalam usaha rumah telor yang saya miliki maka saya ingin membangun kepercayaan dengan menjalin kerja sama pinjaman online ini (dimulai dari limit awal sesuai ketentuan yg ada) semoga kita bs menjadi rekan yg saling menjaga komitmen dalam hal yg berkaitan dgn pinjaman online ini





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 7, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 weeks



Paul Graham

United States

Ask Deddy a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Deddy    Aug 7, 2018

    Thank you for your help, I hope I can always maintain the trust given

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  • We Not Me    Aug 2, 2018

    Good luck Deddy. I wish blessing and prosperity to your family. After reading your biographical information on Zidisha, now I am hungry for chicken and eggs!

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  • Deddy    Jul 30, 2018

    During joining zidisha I always try to keep the trust given by investor by way of payment on time can be checked on my loan note always ontime in passing the obligation even before due date payment every installment I have paid so sometimes before the deadline of loan given me pay off prematurely

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  • Deddy    Jun 30, 2018

    Thank you very much for the support and trust. Hopefully I can continue to keep the payment commitments on time so it will not disappoint the investors

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  • Deddy    Jun 25, 2018

    The daily routine we do is the process of sorting between the quality eggs separated by the less-qualified eggs so that the kialitas of chicken egg products are always awake

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  • Deddy    Jun 25, 2018

    Routine before chicken eggs are distributed to customers is the sorting of eggs that quality is not in accordance with the standards separated by the best quality chicken eggs to produce good trade products in the eyes of customers

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  • Deddy    May 24, 2018

    Thank you for the trust and support provided for my business, with this loan I can add my chicken egg stock to be distributed to my subscription shop

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  • Deddy    May 19, 2018

    thanks for his trust to fund my efforts

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  • Deddy    May 14, 2018

    I thank you for the support from investors so far in helping my finance to manage the local chicken egg business, hopefully I can continue to keep the payment commitment on time according to the agreement agreed upon at the beginning, happy once again I sdh prove the payment on time I borrowed before. May the timely payment commitments I have given so far can foster more investors" trust

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  • Deddy    May 6, 2018

    my routine when saturday and week always plunge the field directly monitor chicken egg distibusi to subscription shop

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  • Deddy    May 6, 2018

    my routine when saturday and week always plunge the field directly monitor chicken egg distibusi to subscription shop

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  • Deddy    May 6, 2018

    my routine when saturday and week always plunge the field directly monitor chicken egg distibusi to subscription shop

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  • Deddy    May 6, 2018

    my routine when saturday and week always plunge the field directly monitor chicken egg distibusi to subscription shop

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  • Deddy    Apr 16, 2018

    funds that are in use to increase the purchase of chicken egg stock, with increasing stock of chicken eggs I have a very helpful process of distribution of eggs to my subscriptions. family and children was helped by the smooth progress of my efforts.

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  • Deddy    Apr 6, 2018

    process of weighing chicken eggs

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  • Deddy    Apr 6, 2018

    before being distributed to the customers, the chicken eggs we received from the chicken coop were cleared (sorted) first

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  • Deddy    Apr 6, 2018

    before being distributed to the customers, the chicken eggs we received from the chicken coop were cleared (sorted) first

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  • Deddy    Mar 30, 2018

    Thank u for supporting

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  • Deddy    Mar 30, 2018

    Our egg stock

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  • Deddy    Mar 16, 2018

    One of today"s activities, delivery of chicken eggs for my subscription

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