Uplifting the business look


Nakuru, Kenya


$356 to go

0% funded of $356 goal


days left




Member since

March 2017

On-time repayments

100 installments  •  33%

About Me

am a business man with 15 years experience
I started from a humble beginning i was selling eggs in the streets of Kisumu City . I left egg selling and followed my passion in music and become a super DJ .I played music for about ten years. i also left the entertainment industry and joined cyber cafe business which currently am running. Each business operate independently I have employed seven employee s each business 2 employees If I get a loan from you I will expand my business to an empire

My Business

Cyber Dee is a growing Cyber business in Nakuru City that deals with Information Technology, Printing and Internet Services. Cyber Dee is also an education center where we offer Short Courses on Computer technology and skills.
We currently earn an annual revenue of Ksh.1,250,000. Moreover, we are seeking an investment of Ksh. 950,000/= to Expand our Business and open new branches near major residential areas, in return for 10% of the new branch future annual earnings.
The housing market in Nakuru City has improved and increased rapidly over the years. Many people are moving to and living in this prospering city. However, not all residential areas have accessible Internet, Knowledge to use the internet or afford to purchase hardware to use in their daily internet service in which these new residents may utilize our already available Manpower and quality service. Our company would like to take advantage of the low competition and strong demand in these areas.
We aim to open this branch near the residential areas in the city. We will cater to both local and foreign individuals, groups, and families living or staying in such areas.
Target Market
Our Cyber Business targets the local and tourist populations of and near the city's new residential areas.
Scope of Work
The business loan will be used for our promotional efforts, equipment and furniture, and employee wages. This will allow us to reinforce our brand, upgrade our equipment, and compensate our employees for their services rendered. All these are essential to allow our team to continue serving our clientele.
Funding Required
Renovations Three 1,500 sq. ft. commercial
lots 900,000.00
Materials Construction materials 1,100,000.00
Construction Design, labor, equipment,
technology, and tools 1,800,000.00
Marketing Attract target customers 700,000.00
Total Funding Required 4,500,000.00

Project Proposal

1. Add more stock
2. Buy new machines
3. Renovate my work place
4.Buy new furniture and give workers new pair of work uniforms





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Amount requested


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