For venture capital photo print, print brochures, etc.


Serang, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

53 installments  •  53%

About Me

I am a cult inspiration born from a simple family, I graduated sd country penitency, after graduating sd I continue to the first level (SLTPN 3 Balaraja), after graduating I went to high school. I run a printing business such as Invitation Print services, Photo Print, Banners, Brochures and Others.

My Business

The business I now run is a banner printing services, potocopy, print poto, binding, map diploma, stickers, banners, medals and so forth. funds from the donors I will use for the capital of my business activities earlier. Capital Loans is very helpful in my efforts. To Donors whom I avail of assistance from all. Turnover in the Print Business can reach 50% of the capital used. The advantage of my business is I turn back for business.

Loan Proposal

I will use this capital to venture capital photo printing services, brochures, and more

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About Me

Saya ilham hudaya lahir dari keluarga sederhana, saya lulusan sd negeri tobat, setelah lulus sd saya melanjutkan ke tingkat pertama (SLTPN 3 Balaraja), setelah lulus saya lanjut ke SMA. Saya menjalankan usaha percetakan diantaranya jasa Cetak Undangan, Cetak Photo, Spanduk, Brosur dan Lain-lain.

My Business

Usaha yg sekarang saya jalankan adalah jasa percetakan spanduk, potocopy, print poto, penjilidan, map ijazah, stiker, banner, medali dan lain sebagainya. dana dari para donatur akan saya pergunakan untuk modal kegiatan usaha saya tadi. Modal Pinjaman ini sangat membantu dalam usaha saya. Kepada Para Donatur yang saya mengharpakan bantuan dari semuanya. Omset dalam Usaha Cetakan ini bisa mencapai 50% dari modal yang digunakan. Keuntungan dari bisnis saya ini saya putar kembali untuk usaha.

Loan Proposal

Modal ini akan saya gunakan untuk modal usaha jasa cetak photo, cetak brosur, dan yang lainnya





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 9, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months



Paul Graham

United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Ask Ilham a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Ilham    Dec 1, 2022

    Business is quiet because of the pandemic, therefore asking for relief

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  • Siti    Apr 5, 2018

    Please pay your installment immediately. To smooth forward.

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  • Ilham    Feb 19, 2018

    Thank you to the Donors who have given their Capital Loan. I will use this fund for the best business capital. once again thanks to the donors who have entrusted me with the help of their venture capital.

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  • Ilham    Feb 7, 2018

    These funds will I use for printing business capital and grocery stalls. this fund is very help me in increasing venture capital. this is very give my pendafatan, this fund will I develop for business.

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  • Ilham    Jan 29, 2018

    I will use this Loan Fund for printing business capital and klontong stalls. This fund helps me in my business.

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  • Ilham    Jan 27, 2018

    Thank you to the donors who have trusted me to provide loan assistance. my past loan was paid off and now I plan to re-apply the loan to add and expand my printing and grocery business. Thanks again to the donors. Send regards for success

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  • Ilham    Dec 24, 2017

    Last night I made payment yet to enter ya

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  • Ilham    Nov 4, 2017

    Thanks to the donors who have given this loan .. the funds I have received and I will use for printing capital ..

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  • Ilham    Nov 3, 2017

    Thanks to the donors, these funds will be used for printing business capital, so the kindness of the donors who have made this loan more successful. once again thanks to donors who have provided this loan fund. This business capital will be used for printing. like the photo below

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  • Ilham    Nov 2, 2017

    To The donors thank you the funds I will use as the capital of printing business,

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  • Ilham    Oct 28, 2017

    thanks to lenders (donors) these funds will I use for printing capital

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  • Ilham    Oct 23, 2017

    The funds I use from this loan is for printing business capital, open a snack shop, print poto, etc., this fund is very helpful,

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  • Ilham    Oct 23, 2017

    Last month"s loan was paid off and I am now applying for a loan. Hopefully the donors can help finance this business. Thanks to the donors

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  • Ilham    Oct 22, 2017

    Thanks to the donors who have given me my credit that I have repaid yesterday, hopefully this new loan application can be assisted back for my printing business capital, I thank many of the donors who have given this trust.

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  • Ilham    Aug 31, 2017

    This loan will I use for pembiyaan printing and so forth. .

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  • Ilham    Jun 3, 2017

    Thanks to my donors who have provided their capital loans. I will use this capital as well as possible. . . From this capital I developed into a new business that is selling t-shirts

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  • Ilham    May 19, 2017

    Thanks to the donors who have given me a loan, the funds I use for printing business capital such as printed poto, brochure printing, today is the first day of my installment payment.

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  • Ilham    May 9, 2017

    This money I will use for funds / capital Print Business Photo, Print brochures, etc. Hopefully this money is useful and can advance my business. Thank you to the donors who have trusted me for the loan.

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