Gas tubes for stock shop


Makasar, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

June 2017

On-time repayments

40 installments  •  85%

About Me

I was born in a mediocre family Since my childhood in educated to independent ... before marriage I work d state-owned company ... and by the time I was married ... I kluar ... because I have to follow where husband work and in place ... Because I can not be silent ... for that I want to open a small shop in front of the house ... Alhamdulillah until now my sales are always in demand ... In addition to selling everyday needs .. I also sell household appliances ... Such as plates, pans, spoons, glasses, places to eat and daily necessities ...

My Business

I sell my daily needs at home ... I decided to open a grocery store at home ... because near the house there is no grocery store ... to buy soap etc must go to the minimarket shop near the road which is 800m distance ... so I decided to open a small shop ... As long as I get a loan in Zidisha I helped ... Right now I"m making my shop to be more widespread ... by widening the original building warung ... Due to the number of goods and places that small ... for that i want to widen the shop ...

Loan Proposal

I will buy some gas cylinders to fill the stalls ... Because many are looking for gas cylinders ... and 3kg gas tubes are now on the market already rare ... And I will buy a 5kg gas cylinder ... The advantage that I can be more many ... because gas is in need buyer ...

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About Me

Saya lahir di keluarga yang pas-pasan
Sejak kecil saya di didik untuk mandiri...sebelum menikah saya bekerja d perusahaan milik negara...dan pada saat saya telah menikah...saya kluar...karena saya harus mengikuti di mana suami bekerja dan di tempatkan...
Karena saya orangnya tidak bisa diam...untuk itu saya ingin membuka toko kecil-kecilan di depan rumah...
Alhamdulillah sampai saat ini jualan saya selalu laris...
Selain menjual kebutuhan sehari-hari.. Saya juga menjual alat-alat rumah tangga...
Seperti piring,panci,sendok,gelas,tempat makan dan kebutuhan sehari-hari...

My Business

Saya berjualan kebutuhan sehari-hari di rumah...
Saya memutuskan untuk membuka toko kelontong di rumah...karena di dekat rumah belum ada toko kelontong...untuk membeli sabun dll harus ke toko minimarket dekat jalan yang jarak nya 800m...makanya saya memutuskan untuk membuka warung kecil-kecilan...
Selama saya mendapat pinjaman di Zidisha saya terbantu...
Saat ini saya sedang membuat warung saya agar lebih luas...dengan memperlebar bangunan asli warung...
Karena banyaknya barang dan tempat yang kecil...untuk itu saya ingin memperlebar warung...

Loan Proposal

Saya akan membeli beberapa tabung gas untuk mengisi warung...
Karena banyak yang mencari tabung gas...dan tabung gas 3kg sekarang di pasaran sudah langka...Dan saya akan membeli tabung gas yang 5kg...
Keuntungan yang saya dapat akan lebih banyak...karena gas sangat di butuhkan pembeli...





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 17, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

5 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Bian a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Bian    May 10, 2018

    This fund will I use to buy building materials ... to widen my stall right now ... Because of its many goods and small places ... so I decided to widen by breaking the side wall to be wider .... Soon it is Ramadan ... and usually in the holy month of Ramadan ... there will be fasting for 1 full month ... after that Eid al-Fitr and all Muslim people will stay in touch with relatives, neighbors and parents to apologize and greeting ...

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  • Bian    Apr 8, 2018

    I can pay more than the usual installment ... Because I want to immediately pay off my loan ...

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  • Bian    Jan 21, 2018

    Currently I am in my Mother"s village in West Sulawesi (Mamasa) I am here also survey what can I make a business opportunity here ... Because this place is very remote ... ATM here far away ... can be 2 -3 hour journey by motorcycle / car ... the signal is hard ... the traditional market is only available every Saturday ... From Jakarta I bring a lot of negligee ... and here sell ... alhamdulillah ... later I will more business selling resin here

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  • Bian    Dec 16, 2017

    I will buy an iron frame shelf to display my merchandise ... to make it look neater and cleaner ... I am attaching photos of the items I will buy ... Thanks for your trust to me ...

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  • Bian    Dec 5, 2017

    This is the framework of iron frames and wooden mats ... To arrange my sale ... It costs Rp.970.000,00 Hopefully my loan will soon be in fin ... Thank you for your attention ...

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  • Bian    Nov 28, 2017

    Currently I need this fund to buy a wooden cabinet closet to display all my stalls merchandise ... to be more orderly and nice at the sight ... And so I can quickly take the items in need ... Thank you ...

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  • Bian    Nov 17, 2017

    My loan is fully paid ... And now I apply for another loan to buy a wooden cupboard ... to display goods that can not be displayed in storefront because of big and high ... such as oil, syrup, wheat flour , laundry soap and some more ... In order to look neat and clean as well .. Hopefully my loan is approved and quickly funded ... Thanks for the help and trust ...

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  • Bian    Nov 17, 2017

    I can pay off my loan ... Thank you

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  • Bian    Oct 17, 2017

    Thank you for the trust ... I will buy the tube + its 5kg content ... because the 3kg is getting rare ... Thanks once again I say ...

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  • Bian    Oct 11, 2017

    Right now I want to buy a 5kg gas cylinder ... because the 3kg gas tube is getting rare ... 2 3kg tubes bs d exchange with 1 tube ... because I have 10 tubes so only 5 tubes ... for that I want to increase the number of tubes that I have ... because many who need gas for cooking ... Currently is the month of Muharam and where I am a lot of fundraising for orphans ...

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  • Bian    Oct 9, 2017

    I can pay off my current loan ... Thank you

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  • Bian    Sep 26, 2017

    I will use this money to buy 10 gallons of mineral water ... To add the stuff inside my grocery store ... Because many customers are looking for a gallon ... okay to supplement my income ... Thanks for the help you provided and for your trust fund ... Hopefully my store can make a good profit ...

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  • Ronald    Sep 26, 2017

    Hello Bian! I wish you all the best for your zidisha-project. Best regards Ronald (Switzerland)

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  • Bian    Sep 22, 2017

    I currently need 10 gallons for extra in my stall. . . __Many customers are asking about gallons to drink. . . because if buy in minimarket far. . . _Price one gallon content Rp.32.000,00 if customer already have gallon and in exchange with gallon of their contents pay Rp.15.500,00__This Zidisha loan is very help me once. . . __Currently in my village there is a sect / night market celebration. . . many are sold there. . . and there are many children"s maianan. . . one of the entertainment for the surrounding community. . . __Now my child is schooling in Play Group. . . my son has a lot of progress and can prayers are taught in his school. . .

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  • Bian    Sep 22, 2017

    I currently need 10 gallons for extra in my stall. . . __Many customers are asking about gallons to drink. . . because if buy in minimarket far. . . _Price one gallon content Rp.32.000,00 if customer already have gallon and in exchange with gallon of their contents pay Rp.15.500,00__This Zidisha loan is very help me once. . . __Currently in my village there is a sect / night market celebration. . . many are sold there. . . and there are many children"s maianan. . . one of the entertainment for the surrounding community. . . __Now my child is schooling in Play Group. . . my son has a lot of progress and can prayers are taught in his school. . .

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  • Bian    Sep 22, 2017

    I want to add my sales. . . by buying a few gallons of water. . because many are asking gallons. . . __For that with this loan money I want to buy 10 gallons. . . one gallon for Rp.32.000,00 __At present in my village there is a warning 1 Suro or in Islam in call 1 Muharam new year of Islam. . . and Java custom there is a name "Gunungan" in the gunungan there is food like pastries. . . and made the seizure of the people because there is a myth will be a lot of blessings if it has taken something from the mountains. . .

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  • Bian    Aug 16, 2017

    I will use this loan money to buy. Some gas cylinders. . . __As many buyers are always looking for gas. . . __I thank you for trusting me because you have given me this loan. . . __I will try to pay on time. . . thank you

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  • Ronald    Aug 15, 2017

    I wish you all the best for your project!

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  • Bian    Aug 14, 2017

    I will use this money to buy gas cylinders. . . Because the gas cylinders I have are just a few. . . And many need gas for cooking. . .

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