Grocery store stock


Karawang, Indonesia

13% paid forward




Member since

July 2024

On-time repayments

10 installments  •  30%

About Me

I am a farmer and have a rice field of 8000 m2, with a rice harvest of up to 5 tons per season. I also have a food stall and stationery business for school needs. I am the second of three children, I was born in a rural area in Karawang district

My Business

I have a rice field of 8000 m2, with a rice harvest of up to 5 tons per season. I also have a food stall and stationery business for school needs. And my stall happens to be close to a school, so it's busy with junior high school students.

Project Proposal

Thank you very much to Zidisha who has funded my proposal, this time I want to apply again to increase the stock of snacks and basic necessities for my shop, to increase my business income.

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About Me

Saya seorang petani dan mempunyai sawah seluas 8000 m2, dengan hasil panen padi mencapai 5 ton permusimnya. Saya juga mempunyai usaha warung sembako dan alat tulis untuk keperluan sekolah. Saya anak kedua dari tiga bersaudara, saya di lahirkan di kawasan perdesaan di kabupaten karawang

My Business

Saya mempunyai sawah seluas 8000 m2, dengan hasil panen padi mencapai 5 ton permusimnya. Saya juga mempunyai usaha warung sembako dan alat tulis untuk keperluan sekolah. Dan kebetulan warung saya dekat dengan sekolah, jadi ramai oleh para siswa dan siswi sekolah menengah Pertama.

Loan Proposal

Terima kasih banyak kepada zidisha yang telah mendanai proposal saya, kali ini saya ingin mengajukan kembali untuk menambah stok makanan ringan dan sembako untuk toko saya, untuk meningkatkan pendapatan usaha saya.





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 10, 2024



Majalengka, Indonesia

Ask Yudi a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Yudi    Jul 11, 2024

    Thanks to my project supporters, I have used the funds to buy stock of snacks and basic necessities for my shop, to increase my business turnover. So that my family and I will be more prosperous.

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  • Yudi    Jul 10, 2024

    Thank you, my friend, I will use the funds according to the proposal I submitted, hopefully it can improve my business.

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  • Yudi    Jul 10, 2024

    Thank you to Zidisha and those who have funded my proposal, so that I can buy stock for my grocery store.

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  • Yudi    Jul 8, 2024

    Thank you Mister Edward for fully funding my project, I will use the funds according to the proposal I submitted

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  • Yudi    Jul 8, 2024

    Buying stock of gallons of aqua water thank you Zidisha for helping me increase my savings.

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  • Yudi    Jul 7, 2024

    Buying a stock of gallons of aqua water, thank you Zidisha for helping me improve my grocery store.

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  • Yudi    Jul 5, 2024

    I want to buy fertilizer for my rice fields and to increase my grocery store stock, such as flour, cooking oil, rice and egg stocks.

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