Stock of business products


Pati, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

December 2017

On-time repayments

43 installments  •  47%

About Me

I am an online hobbyist, so I join an online business. Because the best job is a paid hobby. Moreover, it reduces the risk of not even losing karna without having to nyetok goods. So selling online using gadgets while doing any work can.

My Business

I do an online business selling herbal products, the benefits can be for health and beauty. Moreover, the price is affordable, so many peminatnya besides the benefits needed by people, business can also help people.

Loan Proposal

I will use to buy my business product whose price is 20usd per box. In order to trade can freely offer to prospective buyers. I hope with this loan I can play for capital in order to have profit every day by being able to sell at least 10box of business product that I run. My product is very useful for society because my herbal product can be for health and beauty. Besides that the price is affordable so I am very enthusiastic to sell it. Can be to help people who need health products. Hopefully donors can give me a loan so I can help others. Thanks.

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About Me

Saya Ani, saya lahir dari keluarga sederhana. Di pedesaan tapi deaa kami sudah lumayan maju, masyarakatnya susah modern. Saya pernah mengalami kesulitan, dan saya tidak pernah nyerah untuk melaluinya karna saya yakin bahwa saya bisa. Saya lebih suka mandiri ketimbang menyusahkan orang lain apa lagi orang tua. Saya ingin sekali membuat mereka bangga, bahagia, tertawa tanpa beban. Saya di rumah mempunyai toko kelontong yang menyediakan kebutuhan orang sehari hari. Di samping itu untuk mengisi waktu luang saya hobi online, makanya saya join bisnis online. Karena pekerjaan paling enak adalah hobi yang dibayar. Apalagi itu mengurangi resiko bahkan tidak rugi karna tanpa harus nyetok barang. Jadi jualan lewat online memanfaatkan gadget sambil melakukan pekerjaan apapun bisa. Jadi saya bisa berbisnis sambil bertoko kelontong.

My Business

Toko kelontong saya menyediakan kebutuhan sehari hari seperti sabun mandi, sabun cuci, shampo, mi instan, terigu, minyak goreng, telur, beras dan lainnya. Untuk bisnis online Saya menjual produk herbal, produk yang manfaatnya bisa untuk kesehatan dan kecantikan. Apalagi harga nya terjangkau, jadi banyak peminatnya disamping manfaatnya yang dibutuhkan orang, bisnisnya pun dapat membantu orang. Alhamdulillah banyak orang sakit terbantu kesembuhannya dengan produk herbal saya. Jadi lebih berguna untuk orang lain, bahagia banget bisa menolong nya.

Loan Proposal

Saya akan gunakan untuk beli produk bisnis saya yang harga nya 20usd per box. Agar dalam berdagang bisa leluasa menawarkan kepada calon pembeli. Saya berharap dengan pinjaman ini saya dapat memutar untuk modal agar mempunyai keuntungan setiap harinya dengan bisa menjual minimal 10box dari produk bisnis yang saya jalankan. Produk saya sangat bermanfaat untul masyarakat karna produk saya herbal dapat untuk kesehatan dan kecantikan. Disamping itu harganya terjangkau jadi saya sangat antusias untuk menjualnya. Bisa untuk menolong orang yang membutuhkan produk kesehatan. Semoga donatur dapat memberikan pinjamannya agar saya dapat membantu sesama. Terimakasih.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jan 24, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 weeks


Donald Major

United States


United States

Ask Ani a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Ani    Oct 2, 2023

    Income is not good. There are many urgent needs and requirements. Many people have jobs so many have to contribute

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  • Ani    Dec 7, 2018

    Sorry, the installments are too large and I cannot pay when due. So I applied for a reduction in installments.

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  • Ani    Oct 24, 2018

    I object to paying installments because the amount of the installments is too large and the profits are not as big as that. Hopefully in the future I will be better to pay my loan installments. Aamiin

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  • Ani    Sep 12, 2018

    Thank God my loan has been funded. Thank you everyone, this really helped me. Hopefully from here it will be better. Aamiin. I will stock as many products as possible.

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  • Ani    Sep 12, 2018

    I will use this fund to supply products. This product is very helpful because it is selling well and looking for people. Because the product is very beneficial for health. Thanks to the donors and the zidisha team, I hope that we will live long, be healthy and be all done. Aamiin

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    • Mary    Sep 13, 2018

      You're welcome Ani. I wish you lots of success.

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  • Ani    Sep 12, 2018

    Thank God, the previous loan was paid off. I am currently applying for another loan to buy a stock of the product I sell. I hope to be able to increase income. Thanks to the donors and the zidisha team, we hope that longevity, health, and all of them will continue to help people in need. Thank you for your help and I beg you to grant this loan because there are many more orders ... hehehe

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  • Gina    Jul 6, 2018

    I have contacted ani. And he will soon pay off everything. We apologize for the delay. Because ani yesterday was busy going to her wedding. Thank you tolerance

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  • Ani    May 21, 2018

    Alhamdulillah my loan has been financed. Thank the donors and the zidisha team who have trusted me. I will use my best.

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  • Ani    May 21, 2018

    I will use this money to stock the goods so that my buyers do not have to wait for the goods for too long. This item helps me when giving a service to the buyer because if they want to spend and goods already there it will make them comfortable with the possibility of buy back. Thanks for donors and team zidisha smoga long life and healthy slalu. Thanks for helping. This is very useful for me. Smoga replied with better by Him. Aamiin

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  • Ani    May 19, 2018

    Alhamdulillah my loan which yesterday has paid off a few days ago. I want to apply for another loan. This loan will I buy a new product stock at a price more expensive than yesterday. But the quality is equal to the price of millions. This later in the form of facial serum and health products made into a package. Many of the devotees because the benefits and bonuses are given. This purchase is very helpful to me because it can provide stock for buyers who ask for immediate goods. With these loans profits increased by 15%. Addition of income that I use to rotate capital for more capital can stock more goods. The family must be more happy when my sales succeed because it can help increase income. In my neighborhood a celebration will be held when the anniversary date of the village. There is a lot of entertainment and sales people. Alhamdulillah Thanks for donors and team zidisha smoga long life and healthy slalu. Smoga gives loan to anyone who needs it. Aamiin.

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  • Ani    Apr 2, 2018

    My name is Ani, I will use this loan money for capital. I will buy the goods we need, like my merchandise stock. In order to easily serve the consumer. Thanks for the zidisha team and dontur hopefully long life.

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  • Diane U    Apr 2, 2018

    Good luck with your business!

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  • Ani    Mar 29, 2018

    Alhamdulillah loan yesterday is paid off. Loan yesterday is very helpful for my additional capital. So my profit also increases. Now I want to apply for more loans to increase capital as well as to stock more products. In order to facilitate the buyer in the transaction. When the purchase is very helpful for my capital and profit I get. Income is more than ever that is about 20 percent. This income I play I use the song for capital, automatic capital I increased dai profit earlier. I share this good news for my family. And I can also help more friends in selling my product, alhamdulillah once can find money while helping people. I"m not celebrating anything, it"s just that I am happy family with the little things that is to buy their favorite food. It"s wonderful to be happy to see them laughing happily. Smoga I was given a loan that levih much in order to more nyetok goods and more help friends. Thank you for donors and team zidisha hopefully always srhat and long life. Hopefully slalu launched.

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  • Ani    Feb 27, 2018

    Thank you for the funds I received. I will buy it for stock of herbal products. Hopefully with this my profit increases. Thank you for donors and team zidisha hopefully always healthy and long life. Aminn. This fund is very useful for me in order to help others who need herbal products for his health.

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  • Ani    Feb 27, 2018

    I will buy herbal products for stock at home to facilitate me for sale. This is a great help to me because it can improve my profits. Thanks to all the donors who have helped, hopefully donors and zidisha teams are always healthy, given longevity, and launched all their affairs. Aminn. Without you I have no capital to play my sales. Thank you

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  • Ani    Feb 17, 2018

    This loan fund will I buy the herbal products that I sell. So that buyers do not have to wait for goods to come first can feel my herbal products. So I can have stock of goods to provide people who want to directly buy any products. So this simplifies the buyer and also will definitely provide a sense of comfort to the buyer. When assisted on loan from here I get a 10% income increase. While producing snacks to be deposited to the nearest grocery store. It feels alhamdulillah much in the interest and the price is affordable. So once a week production and then deposited to the nearest store. My neighborhood near the auto market makes it easy to sell anything. Selling herbal or snack products many of its enthusiasts because of the taste and price that suits their needs. So I hope donors can provide more loans for me to make capital in herbal products and snacks. May the zidisha team and long and healthy donors continue. Thank you

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  • Ani    Jan 24, 2018

    I will use this loan money to buy my business product so I can freely trade by selling this herbal product. I will continue to spread the benefits of this product that can help the public health. Because I am happy if there are people who are helped with this health product. So I feel useful to them. Thanks for the lender hopefully given health and long life. I can not reply with anything except prayer and thank you. Success continues and long life and healthy for the team zidisha and donors. Amen

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  • Ani    Jan 7, 2018

    Price 1box my product 185rb, sorry I still need cost for multiply product stock. So I beg for lender of funds hopefully I can be given more loan. Thank you

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