Ablution sandals


Kota Cirebon, Indonesia

25% paid forward




Member since

August 2022

On-time repayments

48 installments  •  92%

About Me

I'm in the business of sandals to sell as footwear for everyone. This business has been running for some time and has become a source of additional income for daily living needs.

My Business

From the business of selling these sandals in 1 week, the turnover is Rp. 1,800,000 (one million eight hundred thousand rupiah).

Project Proposal

I use the funds collected to increase my business capital selling Ablution Sandals. From the results of this business I can pay for my children's school and meet their daily needs.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya sedang berbisnis sandal untuk dijual sebagai alas kaki bagi setiap orang.
Usaha ini telah berjalan beberap waktu dan menjadi sumber penghasilan tambahan untuk kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari.

My Business

Dari usaha penjualan sandal ini dalam 1 minggu beromzet Rp 1.800.000 (satu juta delapan ratus ribu rupiah).

Loan Proposal

Dana yang terkumpul saya gunakan untuk menambah modal usaha saya berjualan Sandal Wudhu. Dari hasil usaha ini saya dapat membiayai sekolah anak-anak saya dan memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari.





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 19, 2024



Kisii, Kenya


Nakuru, Kenya


Lusaka, Zambia

Ask Surtikandi a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Surtikandi    Aug 28, 2024

    I have received the funds that I have purchased ablution sandals to resell. Thank you very much for your support because it is very useful for me and my family.

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  • Surtikandi    Aug 19, 2024

    I will buy ablution sandals that I will resell later. These sandals can not only help people who want to donate goods, but also certainly be useful for the mosque congregation. Thank you very much for funding this project that has helped me and my family a lot.

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  • Gilbert    Aug 19, 2024

    Terimalah sedikit dukungan saya dan semoga Tuhan memberkati bisnis Anda.

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  • Surtikandi    Aug 17, 2024

    With the funding of this project, I have been greatly helped, so that the business I am working on can run well.

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  • Surtikandi    Jun 4, 2024

    I will buy stock supplies for this month's trade. This loan really helps my business in providing stock of goods for sale. I am grateful for this loan.

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  • Florence    Jun 4, 2024

    Semoga beruntung

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  • Victor    Jun 3, 2024

    Anda akan berhasil

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  • Surtikandi    May 29, 2024

    This funding really helps the development of the business that I am running.

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  • Surtikandi    Mar 8, 2024

    Thank you for funding this business for the sake of independence, hopefully in the future it can develop and progress further.

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  • Surtikandi    Mar 5, 2024

    This funding helps the independence of the business that I am running and really helps in improving the quality of life for me and my family. Business continues to grow and improve family welfare.

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  • Surtikandi    Jan 13, 2024

    I will use these funds for business capital to procure goods, the profits of which I can use to pay for my children's school fees.

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  • Surtikandi    Jan 7, 2024

    My business has started to develop with this capital.

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  • Surtikandi    Oct 24, 2023

    I will buy sandals to resell, this really helps me to keep my business running. Thank you very much for your help to fund my project.

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  • Ian    Oct 23, 2023


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  • Surtikandi    Oct 17, 2023

    Thank God, with the existing funds, my merchandise has increased in number.

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  • Surtikandi    Aug 1, 2023

    I will use the funds to purchase merchandise. Thank you very much for your help.

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  • Walter    Aug 1, 2023

    Good luck!

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  • Surtikandi    May 20, 2023

    With Zidisha's help I can finance business activities and become a means of human empowerment.

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  • Surtikandi    Oct 4, 2022

    This program is very helpful for business capital in driving the economy.

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