Purchase of school computers & classroom desks


Mufulira, Zambia

153% paid forward




Member since

December 2023

On-time repayments

24 installments  •  50%

About Me

I am Moses Ziba , born in the border of town of Zambia in Mufulira in Kantanshi township.
I was born in a poor family of eight. Being the first born of our family, the Life was too hard for us to manage. My father and Mum didn't have a good job but they struggled very hard in order to get us food and pay school fees us.
Through struggling I managed to start enter into school at Mine Primary school . When I passed to secondary school, things got worse and due to lack of school fees, but through perseverance of my parents I managed to complete secondary school and obtained good results and I was selected to go to the University of Zambia and Graduated successfully with bachelor's degree of science in Education.
However, that is how nasty my the story of childhood life and how I overcame hardship. Today am a proud teacher and I also ran my own school in our community because I have the passion to educate the community especially the vulnerable in society, they need our support to unlock their destiny through education of which children in the continent of Africa especially Zambia where poverty has reached alarming level.

My Business

I ran a school in our community where I live. I provide education services and skills to the learners especially vulnerable in society. Education services that I provide is very important and useful in the lives of our children to unlock their potential in life. Through education sensitization, the school has enrolled many children ranging from grade 1 to 7, which is primary level and grade 8 to 12 which secondary level or high school. The response is very overwhelming to most parents in our community as the want their children to get educated and subsequently go the University of Zambia.
Mainly the school need more classroom blocks and so far the school has 5 classroom blocks which will need a total of ZMW 75,000 to construct other classroom blocks.
The school will also need to purchase books, computer equipment, desks and other things to ran the school and ensure the learner have all materials as they under go different courses from primary to secondary school.
The school is indeed profitable as many pupils still need to enroll.

Project Proposal

At least I will need to buy computer desktops in the school computer lab which will cost me ZMW 20000.00 and also the class room desks at ZMW 30,000.00. Due to high enrollment at the school, the learners will be able to learn properly and sit comfortably without inconveniencing each other. The school reputation and the school image will be known to the general public and allow more pupils to come and enroll and the school therefore will increase more revenue for the school for its teachers and some allowances





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 14, 2024


Donald Major

United States


Juan Busco

United States



Oslo, Norway



Ask Moses a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Moses    Jun 22, 2024

    This week am unable to repay the full amount, but to repay the adjusted amount to the late repayment of school fees.

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  • Moses    Jun 16, 2024

    Dear my backers of loan, am so sorry for the last one month, I was in hospital nursing my wife, the past one month plus some days has been very difficulty for me. My wife is now recovered and discharged from the hospital. Thank you so much for being patient with me, otherwise I have resumed work and I will continue repaying loan now.

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  • Moses    Jun 1, 2024

    Currently business is slow, I can only manage the adjusted amount.Thank you backers for supporting me I will do the needful.

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  • Moses    May 13, 2024

    Currently schools have closed and no payment are on computer lessons and therefore am unable to make full weekly installments but to adjust to allow me afford the payment.Thank you my lenders for supporting me.

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  • Moses    Apr 27, 2024

    School have closed currently hence school fees for computer lessons will begin in two weeks, when schools for the second term.Thank you my backers for being patient with me.

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  • Moses    Apr 17, 2024

    I will buy a good number of desktop computers and laptops for the school computers and this accommodate 3 three classes and demand is growing at the school. I also buy class room desks for three classes which will come to ZMW 50,000 as the budger for the school. Thank you so much my backers for supporting me and for educating our community especially the girl that has always been the victim when it comes to education. Thank you so much, your suppprt is highly appreciated to you all.

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  • Rosemary    Apr 7, 2024

    May your business blossom

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  • Moses    Apr 3, 2024

    Dear all my backers of the previous loan, I would to take this opportunity to inform that the loan you support worked for me miraculously. Enrolment at the was very overwhelming in our community and has become for first school to produce IT specialist students, because we bought enough computer desk tops , laptops and the classroom desks through support. It is amazing and we owe it to you my backers. As a school we dedicated ourselves to give the vulnerables equality education in compuer science and through your support we have seen our the school grow in enrolments and more tution fees being generated rapidly. Come again in our new project to support us, we shall give you satisfaction. Thanking in advance

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  • Moses    Mar 27, 2024

    I have received the funds, a big thanks to my backer and I have bought the needed equipment for the school lab and the classroom desks. So far new enrolments are going on and a stead income is being generated for the betterment of the school.
    Thank you very much my backers, am so grateful, your support and effort is indeed changing and impacting our lives here.

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  • Moses    Mar 24, 2024

    I will buy the following items;
    1. The laptop computers which will cost ZMW 15,000.00
    2. The class desks for the two newly built class room blocks which will accommodate 40 students in each class room and this will benefit us by attracting more enrolment for computer studies and also create employment for teachers. Thank you so much my backers for your efforts and support to help fundraise the loan for the growth of the school in our community.May God bless each one of you.

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  • Kee    Mar 24, 2024

    It is comforting to read about your story. I am passionate about education and I grafeful for the opportunity to help. May GOD continue to bless you in all that you do !!!! Keep up the good work.

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  • Haryati    Mar 21, 2024

    good luck

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  • George    Mar 18, 2024

    Wishing you all the best.

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  • Moses    Mar 11, 2024

    Dear backer of my previous loan project, am so grateful and happy that my education business project is doing very well at the moment through your support. The funds received were used to buy the classroom desks and some desktop computers which are able to accommodate more students and school enrollments is very overwhelming surpassing the previous years.
    All this has been achieved through your efforts in my educational project. I would like thank you so much my backers, am looking forward to your support in my next loan project. Thanking you in anticipation.

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  • Moses    Mar 10, 2024

    I did receive the funds and computers were bought as well as classroom desks this had boosted the learning environment of children at the school. Thank you so much my lenders for your gesture. We really appreciate so much, thank you.

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  • Moses    Mar 3, 2024

    I will more desktop computers in our computer lab and also classroom desks. It will the school enroll more pupils in our community especially the girl child and prevent early marriages. Thank you my backers for good gesture am so humbled, thank you so much.

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  • Raymond    Mar 3, 2024

    I believe you have what it takes to contribute greatly in your community.

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  • Peter    Feb 27, 2024

    Success in your Project Moses

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  • Moses    Feb 25, 2024

    My school project is doing very well through your support my backers. The just ended has helped the school to implement computer lessons for all the puppils. Computers and classroom desks were bought and the learning environment is now condusive for all the children. My plan for the next is to buy more computers and increase the enrollment of pupils so the school can make more funds to expand and pay its work force like the teacher. Your support my backers will be highly appreciated, thank you so much in advance.

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  • Moses    Feb 25, 2024

    I did purchase computers for schopl lab and some class room desks. These school equipment have helped me in a different way because now enrollment at school has very overwhelming and parents in the community are very happy about the development at school. In addition to that the school is generating more funds and this April the school will be going for a tour to the Victoria Falls, to take the school children and my children too.
    Your support had been so helpful my backers, your effort is indeed changing our lives and improving the living standard of my family.Thank you so much

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